See below for errors you may receive when running a Crystal Report and troubleshooting steps.
Error - Database Vendor Code: 6
When trying to test a report using Crystal Designer, you may receive an error that references Database Vendor Code: 6. This error typically occurs when the server cannot be found. To resolve this, set the Data Source Location under the Database menu. To find the correct server, you can find the Data Source in the About screen from the Main Menu.
Login Failed Message When Running Crystal Report
If you receive the below message when attempting to run a Crystal Report, you need to update the report to connect to the correct database:
Unable to run Crystal Report. Reporting Server responded with the following exception details (Please check the reporting server's error log for more details): System.Exception: Login failed.
To update the report to connect to the correct database:
- Open the report in Crystal Reports.
- Click the Refresh button in the toolbar. If you receive a prompt asking to use current parameter values or new ones, select the Use current parameter values option and click OK.
- A prompt displays to sign in to the database. Verify the correct database location is selected in the Database field. If you are unsure of what database connection to use, see View Version, Database and Licensing Information.
- Click the Finish button.
- After signing in, save the report and re-import it into the system. See Add a Custom Report for information about importing reports.
Failed to Open the Connection When Opening a Report
If a message displays stating that the software cannot find the report, you need to verify the database connection. Once the data source on the report is reset, the report can run successfully. When resetting the data source, verify the following:
- The provider type is OLE DB (ADO). Other types of connection, such as ODBC are not supported.
- The selected Provider must be Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. SQL Server Native Client is not supported.
- If you use Integrated Security, verify the User ID field is blank before turning IS on. Otherwise, turn it off and clear the User ID before reinstating IS.
- The data source is not mixed between two different servers (like the Product and Test databases). If it is, set both to the same server, log out and back in to apply the changes.
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