
Supplier Invoices with Event Prepaid Expenses or Cost Deferral Schedules



  • Michael Archer


    Is there a process for if the following instances occur:

    1) The GL account used in the initial transaction is incorrect for some reason - is there an automated way to change the coding?

    2) If the date range selected for start and end dates is entered incorrectly (i.e. entered for 12 months but the amortization should only be 3 months), is there a way suggested to correct this?

  • Kelly Potter

    Hi Michael,

    Right now, entering a transaction to reverse the original and re-enter the correct transaction is the only process to correct the automated amortisation details.



  • Ruel Lantano Mangulabnan

    Hi Momentus Team.

    I just would like to inquire, can we run deferral cost recognition twice for a given month? If not, how can we close a line for a given period in the deferral schedule?  

    Thanking you in advance.


  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Ruel,

    It is possible to run the Cost Deferral journals multiple times within a period to pick up additional lines of new deferral schedules. Once you have posted the Journal, the deferral lines included in that journal should be marked with a fiscal period and the relevant journal entry details.

    If you are not seeing the line in the deferral schedule being marked with the fiscal period/journal entry details, please submit a ticket to our Support team who will check if the system is working as expected, or if a software correction is required.

    Many thanks,


  • Ruel Lantano Mangulabnan

    Hi Chelsea,

    Thank you very much for your response. Yesterday, I have tried to run the Cost Deferral journals and thankfully, I was able to generate the journal entries. I have raised an inquiry about it because during that time, when I run the Cost Deferral for additional insurance amortization, there was a notification on the screen that there was nothing to generate. I am not sure if the error is related to my connection at that time or something else. 

    Your kind response is greatly appreciated. 



  • Ruel Lantano Mangulabnan

    Hi, Momentus Team.

    Good morning.

    In relation to the above inquiry, I have created several deferral schedules for medical insurance, and software license renewals. While running month-end deferred expense recognition, I have noticed that the system generated one entry for all the prepayments with deferral schedule. What we would like to do is to generate separate entries for each prepayment with a deferred schedule, however, the system currently does not allow us to delete an entry line item from the generated entry. Is there any way in the system where recognition of deferred expenses can be done by grouping them based on the nature of the expense? 

    Thanking you in advance.



  • Caroline Cheng


    Is there a process for if the following instances occur:

    After the event prepaid reversal journal has been post, we identified the account and department based on the voucher are incorrect. How could we correct it in this situation? When we try to reclass the entry, there is a error message "Invalid Prepaid Sts: You have entered a". 

    Thank you,


  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Ruel,

    Please bear with us a little longer. I am just double checking the options for you.

    Many thanks,


  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hello Ruel,

    Thanks for you patience. I discussed this with our Product team and they also see the benefit of having the possibility of one Deferred Expense Recognition journal entry per Prepaid voucher. Can you please submit a Product Idea for this?

    If you have any other ideas about how you think this would work best, please include this in your request for the Product team to consider. 

    Here are the steps to add a Product idea:

    1. Access the Support Center. (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com )

    2. Go to the The Community by clicking on the Collaborate! button.

    3. Click on the Product Ideas tab.

    4. Click the Enter the Forum button for the forum where you would like to add the enhancement request. (An idea may fit in several forums, just pick one - no need to enter the request in multiple forums.)

    5. Click the Create a Post in this Topic button.

    6. Complete the form and click the Submit button.

    Kindest regards,


  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Caroline,

    I have checked your issue with the team and found it has already been flagged to our Product team. They are currently looking into it, but have advised that you can use the following workaround in the meantime:

    1. When adding the reclass journal, add the 'Prepaid Status' column in the Journal Entry Details grid.

    2. Change the Prepaid Status to blank and then continue to make your required changes to the details.

    By changing this Prepaid Status, you should find your reclass journal can then be posted without error, as per normal.

    Please let me know how you go with trying out this workaround.

    Many thanks,


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