When trying to book a space, you may receive the following message along with the Potential Booking Conflicts screen:
The following bookings may produce conflicts. You can view the conflicting events by selecting the image in the Conflicts column. Please review the information and click OK to save your event and bookings or Cancel to stop the process.
Sometimes it is easy to see why a booking creates a conflict. You can easily see that you are booking the same space that is already booked.
However, there are times when you are not sure why a booking is creating a conflict because the space you are trying to book is not the same space that is showing in the Potential Booking Conflicts screen. Oftentimes, this is because of indirect bookings.
Indirect bookings happen when:
- A smaller space within a larger space is booked. The smaller space is a direct booking and the larger space is booked as an indirect booking.
- A large space is booked that can be divided into smaller spaces. The larger space is a direct booking and the smaller composite spaces are booked as indirect bookings.
For example, your venue has a large space (Hall AB) with a floating wall between two smaller spaces (Hall A and Hall B). An event books Hall AB. Hall AB is the direct booking and Hall A and Hall B are the indirect booking to indicate they are not available. The same process happens if Hall A is booked; then Hall AB is indirectly booked to indicate the larger space is no longer available, but leaves Hall B available.
Direct and indirect bookings are created based on the base and composite space setup for your spaces.
To see which spaces are causing the potential conflict message, click the image in the Conflict column. The Booking Conflicts screen opens. The conflicting space(s) display in the screen.
To see how two spaces are connected:
- Click the Spaces link from the Main Menu. The Spaces screen opens.
- Select the space you are attempting to book.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Space screen opens.
- Select the Components tab. This is where you can view the spaces which make up the larger space.
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