Jill Zung

Venue Sales Professional
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 100
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Latest activity by Jill Zung
  • Jill Zung commented,

    Some of our users have been copying functions and orders quite a bit over the last two months. Typically it’s copying functions and orders from last year’s event to this year's event so the event n...

  • Jill Zung commented,

    Anyone have any tips/best practices for merging duplicate accounts?   Our Sales team added a duplicate client account last month for an event happening this week (1/12-13/2017). I merged the accoun...

  • Jill Zung commented,

    Thanks for the quick response, Wendy.  The other option you mentioned seems perfect!  I'll try it out and hopefully our employees will like it.   Jill

  • Jill Zung commented,

    Is there a way to copy and paste the function description without having to enter the field as editable?  We used to be able to select the description field box, use the keyboard shortcut for copy,...