Emily Crank

Registration Associate
Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 113
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Recent activity by Emily Crank Recent activity Votes
  • Choosing How to Style iEBMS Pages

    There are several options when it comes to styling your public facing iEBMS pages.  The best option depends on how similar or different you would like each page to be and how much change you need t...

  • EZWriter Parameters

    When creating a Merge Data Source, you can add in both standard and custom parameters.  To do so, click the Add Data Source Parameter button in the Add Data Source window (img1.jpg). Right click in...

  • Using Formulas in Running Total Fields

    Occasionally, you may want to only show summaries for fields that match a certain criteria.  For example, you may only want the sum of all charges related to room rentals, but display other types o...