Emily Crank

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Recent activity by Emily Crank Recent activity Votes
  • Formatting Dates in Crystal Reports in Formula Fields

    When formatting a text field in a Crystal Report formula field there are two options.  To get a standard date format, such as "01/01/2013" or "Tuesday, January 01, 2013", you can use the date forma...

  • Why is EZWriter Not Filling in UDF Values?

    When using EZWriter with UDFs for Events and Orders, you much specify the value in CR073_EXT_ACCT_CODE in the Where clause of your SQL statement.  However, the @ORDER and @EVENT values in the where...

  • Selecting Multiple Values on a Crystal Report Parameter

    It is possible to setup a Crystal Report parameter that accepts multiple values.  You may want to use this if you want users to be able to select several Event Statuses or choose from a list of Fun...

  • Find the SQL Generating a Crystal Report

    If you need to view the SQL that is generating a Crystal Report file, you can easily do so from Crystal Reports:   Go to the Main Menu and expand the "Database" option. Choose "Show SQL query" ...

  • SQL Commands and Crystal Reports

    Crystal Reports allows users to create reports not only by linking tables using the Database Expert screen but also by using SQL Commands.  SQL Commands allow the results of a SQL query statement t...

  • Change the Data Source Location in Crystal Reports

    To change the database location for a Crystal Report: From the Crystal Reports Main Menu, navigate to Database and select Set Datasource Location. Expand the report item. The report's database con...

  • Order Parameter Prompts in Crystal Reports

    In Crystal Reports, parameters can be managed from the Field Explorer panel, under the Parameter Field section on the Crystal Reports designer GUI. While the panel can be anchored to different pla...

  • Using the iEBMS Gatekeeper

    Occasionally there may be scenarios in which you want to limit the number of people that are attempting to reach your registration (or SOP or FOP) links at any one time.  In those scenarios Momentu...

  • Displaying Notes on a Crystal Report

    When displaying notes from Ungerboeck on a Crystal Report, there are two fields available for use from the table CC025_NOTES_EXT.   The first is CC025_NOTE_TEXT.  This is just the text of the note...

  • Retrieving a Note Class Template

    Note classes are very useful for adding a block of text to a Crystal Report or EZWriter page.  They are easily changed by Ungerboeck users who have no ability to modify reports, and they can also c...