Emily Crank

Registration Associate
Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 113
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Recent activity by Emily Crank Recent activity Votes
  • Choosing How to Style iEBMS Pages

    There are several options when it comes to styling your public facing iEBMS pages.  The best option depends on how similar or different you would like each page to be and how much change you need t...

  • EZWriter Parameters

    When creating a Merge Data Source, you can add in both standard and custom parameters.  To do so, click the Add Data Source Parameter button in the Add Data Source window (img1.jpg). Right click in...

  • Using Formulas in Running Total Fields

    Occasionally, you may want to only show summaries for fields that match a certain criteria.  For example, you may only want the sum of all charges related to room rentals, but display other types o...

  • Supported HTML Tags in Crystal Reports

    When adding CC025_HTML_TEXT for notes on a Crystal Report, you may notice that not all of your formatting is respected, especially if you use tables or more complex HTML.  This is because Crystal R...

  • Add a Report to a Report List

    Reports that are run from various screens in the system (Events, Accounts, etc.) display in a report list for that particular area of the system. When you add a new report, you need to add the repo...

  • EZWriter Dates in Another Language

    If you create EZWriter pages or Word Merge documents in multiple languages, you may want to have spelled out date names such as "September" or "Tuesday" display in the same language that the rest o...

  • Add a Word Template to a Report List

    Word Template documents that use EZWriter data formats can be added to the software as reports. They are then available for users to run from the Report Lists on various screens. To add a Word Temp...

  • Limit Crystal Reports Availability

    When building a report that will be used in conjunction with an Event or data tied to an Event (service orders, registration, etc), you can limit the availability of the report.  This could be used...

  • Hiding Items in CSS: Display vs. Visibility

    When you want to use an iEBMS Stylesheet to hide specific elements on a page, there are two ways to go about it that will affect the layout of the iEBMS page.  The first is setting Display: none.  ...

  • HTML Object Sizing

    When adjusting the sizing of iEBMS page elements as well as elements you add to the iEBMS structure, top, left, right and bottom files, it is important to keep the HTML box model in mind.   All HTM...