Chelsea Dolman

Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 68
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Recent activity by Chelsea Dolman Recent activity Votes
  • What's New from Education Services - June 2024

    Check out the latest additions to your library of educational resources and upcoming learning opportunities from Momentus Enterprise Education Services! Upcoming Live Training Opportunities Learni...

  • Configure and Import GL Account or Main GL Account Imports

    Licensing requirements: Audit-Ready GL Export General Ledger (SaaS or Perpetual) The GL Account Import provides a simple way to import GL accounts using the minimum required fields to create a G...

  • Import GL Account Budget

    If you are licensed to the General Ledger module, it is possible to import your GL account budget to help drive budgeting controls and onscreen event budgeting analysis.  The import format configur...

  • Booking Roles and Space Classes

    When a Booking Role is assigned to an Online Space Booking (OSB) configuration, the spaces seen by any public-facing users allocated to that Booking Role will be restricted. These restrictions are ...

  • Manage EFT/Check Export Formats

    EFT/Check Exports are used to create a file from your accounts payable payment batches. These files can be used to upload the payment details to your bank, or print the payment details on check (ch...

  • Configure GL Account Budget Import Formats

    If you are licensed to the General Ledger module, it is possible to import your GL account budget to help drive budgeting controls and onscreen event budgeting analysis. When importing a budget, an...

  • Refund a Payment

    Refunds are used to pay back customers who have a credit balance. Customers may have a credit balance due to an overpayment, a credit issued after an amount was paid in full, or a cancellation. It ...