Ryan Ungerboeck

  • Total activity 127
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Recent activity by Ryan Ungerboeck Recent activity Votes
  • Move Payments

    Moving a payment to a different order or event is different depending on if your organization uses the General Accounting & Analysis (GL) module or not. If your organization uses the General Accoun...

  • Disable Electronic Credit Card Transactions

    You can adjust the electronic credit card authorization process If you do not want to electronically authorize your credit card transactions or you want to choose when you electronically authorize ...

  • Place an Account/Contact on Hold or Warn

    If you have a customers with unpaid invoices, you can place the account at a Warn or Hold status. Accounts placed on warn: A yellow icon displays for the account with a note on the Accounts screen...

  • Unable to Apply a Deposit to a Final Invoice

    By default, you cannot apply deposits to final invoices. However, in those cases when you may need to do this, you can edit the transaction type to allow for deposits on invoices. To update the rec...

  • Automatic Payment Plan Activities

    You can create automatic activities so your users receive notification of payment plan due dates and/or issue dates. You can use wildcard accounts to designate a particular person depending on the ...

  • Credit a Payment Plan Step

    You can credit payment plan steps that are already invoiced. Click the Payment Plan Invoicing link from the Main Menu. The Payment Plan Invoicing screen opens. Select the payment plan step to cred...

  • Credit a Payment Plan Final Invoice

    You can credit a final invoice in the payment plan and create a new final invoice.  Configure the System Setting for Final Invoice Crediting You only need to configure the below once. If you have p...

  • Credit Ratings and Credit Limits

    You can enter credit ratings and credit limits for accounts. You can use this for informational purposes only or you can use it to prevent the adding of new orders if the credit limit amount is exc...

  • Finance Charges

    You can configure finance charges so you can collect interest on late receivables. Configure Finance Charge Rates Finance charges are calculated on a daily rate. The daily rate is typically equal t...

  • Void an Invoice

    If you create an invoice in error or you need to correct an invoiced order, you can void the invoice. Voided invoices are set to internal. This makes sure voided invoices do not show up on customer...