Sam Wilson

Registration Associate
Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 320
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Latest activity by Sam Wilson
  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hi Kris, Account Leads allow for the use of Activities, Documents, and Notes prior to conversion to an account or contact. They cannot be included in Campaigns.  Regards, Sam

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Daniel, Users interact with most parameters through the various subject configuration windows within the software (e.g., Event Sales Configuration, Booking Configuration, Contract Configurati...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Daniel, The database does not currently include standard fields for date of hire, termination, or expiration. This information could be stored and added to views or reports using notes or use...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hi Daniel, The Forgot your password? link is enabled by a system parameter. If the link has never been visible then it may not be enabled. Refer to the following article on how to set up the link. ...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Good Day. How the software handles applying a discount depends upon whether the item being discounted has a specific discount resource configured.  Items with a discount resource have a new line ...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Nina, The Coordinator fields cannot be configured directly to change the display order. However, there are separate fields available for the first name, last name, and second last name values...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Boris, I believe you are referring to the image that is included in the "Top" section of the web skin. The recommended dimensions for the top image are 1920x200 pixels. Regards, Sam

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Bronwyn, Event Profiles do not currently support these additional items. Please consider submitting an enhancement request describing the details of your use-case so that it can be evaluated ...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hello Puneet, When replacing the resource code on a resource item associated with an inventory item, the software displays a notification window with an opportunity to continue or cancel the proces...

  • Sam Wilson commented,

    Hi Crystal, This sounds like something that our Support team should dig into. Please enter a support ticket (click Submit a Request at the top of this page) so they can take a look. Regards, Sam