• Booking Restrictions

    Booking restrictions are parameters or conditions defining when a space is not bookable.  Beginning in 30.98, legacy booking restrictions are no l...

  • Configure the Booking Calendar and Booking Agenda Display

    You can configure various settings to control the information that is displayed and how it is displayed on the Booking Calendar and Booking Agenda....

  • Notices

    You can display notices on the Booking Calendar and Function Calendar to show special information, such as facility maintenance scheduled, facility...

  • Configure Tool Tips on the Calendars

    You can configure the space tool tip and the booking tool tip on the Booking Calendar and the function tool tip and space tool tip on the Function ...

  • Calendar Intervals

    You can change the time columns on the Booking Calendar and Function Calendar by creating your own calendar intervals. To create calendar intervals...

  • Change the Column Width of Time Intervals on the Calendars

    You can adjust the width of the time intervals that display on the Booking Calendar and Function Calendar by adjusting the calendar template used f...

  • Default a Price List when Booking a Space

    When you book a space from the Booking Calendar, you can configure a default price list to display in the Price List field. You can configure this ...

  • Booking Usages

    You use usages on the Bookings tab and/or Functions tab of an event to define how a particular booking or function is used. Usages provide addition...

  • Default Booking Times with Usages

    Within the software, you can automatically update the start and end times of a booking by assigning a usage to the a booking. Using the usage to de...

  • Sync Booking and Event Start and End Dates and Times

    You can keep booking start and end dates and times in sync with the event start and end dates and times. You must have organization parameter BK 02...

  • Space Booking Rates

    When you book a space on the Bookings tab on the Add Event or Edit Event screen, you can select a space booking rate from the Rate drop-down. For a...

  • Square Foot / Square Meter Space Booking Rates

    You can configure space rental rates based on the square footage or square meters of the booked space.  This allows for an automatic calculation of...

  • Additional Space Booking Rates for Single Day Bookings

    You can configure the software to automatically assign additional rates for a space booking after a set period of time is exceeded. For example, yo...

  • Seasonal Pricing for Room Rates

    Seasonal pricing allows you to offer room rate discounts or surcharges for specific dates during the year. Seasonal pricing is often used to encour...

  • Space Booking Conflict Checking

    You can set up the software to prevent you from booking spaces: On the same day at the same time or Beyond the total bookable area of the space T...

  • Waitlist (Cascading) Bookings

    Waitlist (cascading) booking allows you to create a waiting list for spaces. When you use waitlist (cascading) booking, space bookings are automati...

  • Spaces

    Spaces represent the rooms within your venue. After you add a space, you need to update your calendar view(s) to include the new space; it is not a...

  • Base and Composite Spaces

    In many venues, space is flexible and you can divide large rooms into smaller rooms using mobile walls. In these cases, the bookings need to reflec...

  • Setups

    Setups are the seating or room configurations available for a space. For example, a classroom setup, U shaped setup or banquet setup. You create wi...

  • Space Features

    You can use space features to designate special accommodations a space may have and to set the space capacity. You can use space features with the ...

  • Space Lead and Strike Hours

    You can configure default lead (setup) and strike (tear down) hours for spaces and/or on an event-by-event basis. You can show lead and strike hour...

  • Space Hierarchies

    You use space hierarchies, a two-level system, to group similar spaces or spaces not physically present in the same building on the Booking Calenda...

  • Space Types

    You can use spaces types define different groups of like spaces. This provides you an additional way to sort spaces on the Booking Calendar. You ca...

  • Booking Configuration Screen

    You use the Booking Configuration screen to configure system behavior for the Facility Booking area of the software. Typically, this information is...

  • Booking Notifications

    By default, the software sends an activity notification to the salesperson(s) assigned to events with conflicting bookings at a status below the or...

  • Automatic Notes for Bookings

    You can configure the software to create an automatic note on an event when a: New booking is added. The automatic note is created with the name o...

  • Default Booking Status

    By default, the software sets all new bookings to a status of Tentative (29). You can change this default if desired. To change the default booking...

  • Facility Booking Access Privileges

    You use access privileges to control what information roles and users can add, edit, delete or view. Access privileges are used with access managem...