Crystal Reports
Crystal Report Database Connection Issues
See below for errors you may receive when running a Crystal Report and troubleshooting steps. Error - Database Vendor Code: 6 When trying to test a...
Distorted Preview on Report Viewer
If your Crystal Report preview appears distorted or scrambled, check your browser settings. There was a recent update that could inadvertently upda...
Using Formulas in Running Total Fields
Occasionally, you may want to only show summaries for fields that match a certain criteria. For example, you may only want the sum of all charges ...
Keep Group Sections Together
Many times when having multiple sections in a Group Header or Footer, the page breaks between two sections. To keep all of the Header or Footer Sec...
Supported HTML Tags in Crystal Reports
When adding CC025_HTML_TEXT for notes on a Crystal Report, you may notice that not all of your formatting is respected, especially if you use table...
Finding First Monday of the Month
Use the following formula to find the first Monday of the following month (based on current date): DateVar varDate := cDate(DateAdd("M", 1, Toda...
Limit Crystal Reports Availability
When building a report that will be used in conjunction with an Event or data tied to an Event (service orders, registration, etc), you can limit t...
Improving Performance When Using a SQL Command Data Source
When using SQL Commands for a data source, always supply default values to the command parameters. These are used when the Crystal Engine (and Mome...
Can a Crystal Report Print Attachments?
Documents stored in folders (such as the Event Folder, Order Folder, or Account Folder), cannot be attached to a Crystal report so they automatical...
Replace an Existing Report Field in Design Mode
Instead of having to delete then add a new field and then having to reformat the new object, you can do the following: 1. From the Field Explorer,...
Date Parameters on Crystal Subreports
If there is a need to use a Date as a parameter on a Crystal subreport, it is important to keep in mind the difference between a date and a datetim...
Reuse a Crystal Report Subreport
When building custom reports, there may be a situation where a subreport on another report would be beneficial on the new report. Think something ...
Change Links on a Subreport
To changing the link on a subreport, follow the below steps: Select the Subreport, right-click, and select Change Subreport Links. In the right...
Pass a Shared Variable Between Subreports
When having two subreport side-by-side, if the Shared Value is not being passed from the one on the left to the one on the right, follow the below ...
Format Results in Crystal Reports
Display Results in Multiple Columns If a Crystal Report displays a long list of items in the details section, you can save whitespace on the report...
Create a Comma Separated List in Crystal
When a field in the system allows for multiple values (such as Products and Services) you may want to display these items as a comma separated list...
Crystal Reports - How to Use the IN Statement
Question:I have a Crystal Report created for an email blast (includes Organizations and Individual accounts) and I need to include a statement that...
Manipulate Dates and Times in Crystal Reports
Occasionally, it is necessary to display a date on a report that is based on another date. For example, you would like to generate a report that h...
Arabic Numerals will be Lowercase Characters Converted to Uppercase Amount
Dim strDecimal,I,J,strTemp,AlbMoney,strUCaseMoney,Temp_UpperRmb Temp_UpperRmb=Sum ({@Debit}, {gbkmut.reknr}) AlbMoney=Totext(Temp_UpperRmb) A...
Crystal Formula For Last Day of the Month
The following formula will return the last day of any month, taking into account the end of year or leap years: DateAdd("m", 1, Date(Year(Today), ...
How to Use Optional Parameters in Crystal Reports
In cases where users would like the option to filter a report, such as by Account Representative, but do not always want the filter to be used, you...
How to Use Variables in Crystal Reports
Crystal Report allows seven types of variables (Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime and Boolean) declared using one of three scopes (Loc...
View Passed Parameters When Modifying Standard Crystal Reports
When you modify a standard Crystal Report, often it is easiest to refresh the report in the Crystal Reports environment as it saves time in re-publ...
Group and Sort in Crystal Reports
When using Crystal report groups, Crystal automatically adds the groups created to the sort order. As a result, additional sort criteria can only ...
How to Add a SQL Expression to a Crystal Report
SQL Expressions are useful when adding a value from a table that is not part of the select statement or when adding data that may or may not be pre...
Conditional Formatting Objects in Crystal Reports
You can format objects, such as database fields, based on some logic by following the below steps: 1. Right-click on the object in the workspace a...
Conditional Suppress Section in Crystal Reports
Suppressing (hiding) sections within a Crystal Report based on some logic can be done from the Section Expert. To do this, follow the below steps:...
Conditional Suppress Objects in Crystal Reports
Depending on the object type, you can suppress (hide) objects, based on some logic. To suppress most types of objects, such as text boxes and datab...
Crystal Reports Special Lookup Fields
When using Crystal Reports, you can create some parameters that are automatically replaced with a drop-down of selections. All these parameters beg...
Formatting Times in Crystal Reports Formula Fields
When formatting a time field in a Crystal Report formula field you can use the ToText function that is built into Crystal Reports. The basic for...