Notes & Activities
Default the Activity Status
There are two types of activities: Activities and Reminder Activities. For activities, it is assumed the activity has already taken place so the st...
Activity Types
You use activity types to categorize your activities. You can also use activity types to default text into the Add Activity screen so you don't hav...
Activity Notifications
Momentus Enterprise allows you to receive a notification when activities come due. You can receive notifications two different ways: email or the N...
Activity Email Notification Template
Automatic activity email notifications can be configured to send to the activity recipients. These can be sent out based on the activity due date ...
Note Classes
Note classes are used to categorize the type of note you are adding, such as Additional Information or Setup Instructions. When adding a note, you ...
Configuring Note Categories
Notes categories are used to organize similar note classes. On Notes pages throughout the software, you can search by note category (rather than mu...
Create Activities for a Note
When adding a note, you can configure Ungerboeck to automatically generate an activity for a user or group of users. Whether or not Ungerboeck cre...
Enable or Disable Automatic (System Created) Notes
There are various notes generated by the software such as when an event changes status or if a service order item is deleted. To enable or disable ...
Note Sensitivities
Notes can be assigned a sensitivity which controls which notes users in the software can view, edit and delete when used in conjunction with the Al...