Facility Booking
Booking Calendar
The Booking Calendar is a calendar of the meeting spaces available in your organization and the events booked in those meeting spaces. To access th...
Manage Spaces on the Calendars and Booking Agenda
You may need to show or hide spaces, adjust the order of the spaces or adjust how the space names display on the Booking Calendar, Function Calenda...
Change the Display Order of Bookings on the Booking Calendar
You can control the display of the bookings for a space on the Booking Calendar using the Custom Sort Order option on the Configuration screen. To ...
Split Bookings By Day
If the Serial Booking Flag option is unchecked on the Booking Configuration screen, then the Daily check box is not available on the Pending Bookin...
Create a New Event or Add Bookings to an Existing Event From the Booking Calendar or Booking Agenda
To create a new event from the Booking Calendar or Booking Agenda: Click the Calendar or Booking Agenda link from the Main Menu. The Booking Calen...
Direct Bookings and Indirect Bookings
You can often divide large spaces in a venue into smaller spaces using floating walls. When you book one of the smaller spaces, you need to block t...
Booking Agenda
The Booking Agenda screen is similar to the Booking Calendar except that it shows spaces across the top of the screen and the dates down the side o...
Calendar of Bookings
The Calendar of Bookings screen shows a monthly view of all Events with bookings that is similar to the Outlook Calendar layout. To open the Calen...
Edit Bookings
You can edit booking information, such as space, start time and date, end time and date, usage, rate, etc. anywhere the Bookings tab is available. ...
Add an Event with Recurring Bookings
You can use the Availability Search to create an event with recurring bookings (bookings that happen multiple times over the course of a period). ...
Bookings with the Daily Check Box
The Daily check box is used for bookings that occur over multiple days. The Daily check box is available on the Pending Bookings section of the Boo...
Link a Booking to a Function
You can link together bookings and functions so the booking space, dates and times automatically sync with the function space, dates and times. Whe...
Copy and Paste Bookings
You can copy and paste bookings to make creating multiple bookings much faster. There are also additional copy options, such as copy and pasting to...
Move a Booking to a Different Event
To move a booking to a different event, you can copy the booking to the new event and then delete the booking from the old event. Click the Event...
Split Bookings
You can divide a larger existing booking into smaller bookings without having to delete and re-add bookings using Split Bookings. Split Bookings is...
Release Bookings
Releasing a booking allows you to release a space for a particular day (or days) without having to delete or edit the current space bookings. This ...
Cancel Bookings
When you cancel a booking, the software automatically removes the rate associated with the booking. The rate is cleared from the booked space and t...
Delete Bookings
Bookings can be deleted from an event. Once you delete a booking, you can no longer view it on the Bookings tab and it is automatically removed fro...
Booking Conflicts
If you have conflict checking turned on and a booking is created in a space where a booking already exists, the Conflicts Exist screen displays whe...
Receive Booking Conflict Message for New Bookings
When trying to book a space, you may receive the following message along with the Potential Booking Conflicts screen: The following bookings may pr...
Booking Orders
Booking orders are service orders that the software automatically creates for space rental charges. When you book a space and assign a rate, Enterp...
Assign Booking Rates to a Different Bill-To Account
If you need to change the bill-to account on specific booking rates within the same event and all the rates are on the same booking order, you can ...
Waitlisting (Cascading) Booking Rules
When cascading booking is enabled, the following rules apply for events and bookings: No two bookings can exist at the same status within the opti...
Cannot Change a Booking or an Event Attached to a Contract
If you update a booking date and/or time that is attached to a contract and you receive the below message, it is because the Lowest Status to Lock ...
Availability Search
You can use the availability search to find available spaces for an event based on criteria such as date, time, days, space type, capacity, etc. To...
Availability Report
You can use the Availability Report to share space availability with your customers in a calendar view for a month range. The report shows the book...
Track How Much a Space is Booked During a Certain Period (Space Utilization)
You can track how many days a month or a year a specific space is used/booked with the Utilization Analysis by Space report. This report is an Exce...