• Documents

    Documents are files which can be attached to an account, contact, opportunity, event, order and other areas across the platform. You can: Add Docu...

  • Document Templates

    Document Templates can be used to create or import pre-formatted and pre-written documents for use throughout Momentus Enterprise. Where you can us...

  • Add a Document From a Template

    After document templates have been created, they can be used to add standardized documents to events, accounts, orders and other areas of Enterpris...

  • Convert Word Template Document to PDF

    Word template documents can be created to automatically convert to a PDF when sent via email or added to a Documents tab. This allows you to use Wo...

  • Create Word Merge Documents Using the Office Add-In

    Word Merge uses the Ungerboeck Microsoft Office Add-In to use wildcards to import feature specific information into a document template. If you do...

  • Document Versions

    Document Version Control, also called Document Management, is when documents are saved to Enterprise and versions of the documents are stored in th...

  • Check In and Check Out Documents

    When you create a new document or you open an existing document for editing, the document is set to a Checked Out status. Other users cannot edit a...

  • Document Sensitivities

    Everyone can see that a document exists in Enterprise, but you can use document sensitivities to control who is able to view and/or edit documents....

  • Emails

    This article includes the below information about working with Emails in Momentus Enterprise. To learn more about sending emails from Enterprise, s...

  • Sending Emails

    Emails can be sent out of Momentus Enterprise using the Send Email function or by clicking on the email address of the account or contact you want ...

  • Send an Email on Behalf of Another User

    Momentus Enterprise allows you to select from different email addresses when sending emails to your accounts. You can use this when you need to sen...

  • Email Templates

    Email templates with reusable text can be created to streamline your email communications. You can also use wildcards and EZWriter tags to insert i...

  • DocuSign FAQ's

    Below are some of the more frequently asked questions about Momentus Enterprise's integration with DocuSign. How do I get access to DocuSign in Ent...

  • Electronic Signature Envelopes

    Sending documents for electronic signatures in Momentus Enterprise creates an electronic signature envelope. Envelopes include the information ente...

  • Send Documents for Electronic Signature

    Momentus Enterprise has an integration with DocuSign allowing users to send documents from Enterprise to be electronically signed and returned to t...