Receive URI-Format or Timeout when Running Crystal Reports
If you receive an "URI-format" error when running and/or opening a Crystal Report, follow the below steps to troubleshoot. 1. Click the Reporting t...
Receive A Number, Currency Amount, Boolean, Date, Time, Date-Time or String is Expected Here Message on Report Server
When running a report, if you receive "A number, currency amount, Boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here" message, follow the b...
Could Not Load File or Assembly Message When Running Reports
Issue: I'm receiving the following error message when running reports: Could not load file or assembly'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Vers...
This Feature is Not Yet Implemented Message When Running a Report
If you receive the below message when attempting to run a report, you need to install the newest Ungerboeck Web Add-In. See the Installing the Unge...