Accounts Receivable
Web Payment
Web Payment is a feature which allows a back-office user to pay an invoice or order on behalf of a client instead of sending an email link or login...
Accounts Receivable Configuration Screen - Advanced Tab
You use the Accounts Receivable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Receivable. Typically, this information is configure...
Accounts Receivable Configuration Screen - Credit Card Processing Tab
You use the Accounts Receivable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Receivable. Typically, this information is configure...
Accounts Receivable Access Privileges
You use access privileges to control the information roles/users can add, edit, delete or view. You use access privileges in conjunction wit...
Receivable Transaction Types
Receivable transaction types define every type of transaction that is entered from every source (module) using every method into accounts receivabl...
Transaction Methods
Transaction methods are the way someone provides payment. For example, credit card, check, etc. They are used with receivable transaction types to ...
Transaction Groups
Transaction groups are a way to categorize receivable transaction types. For example, adjustment, cash/check, credit card, etc. They are used with ...
Customer Terms
You can assign customer terms to an account on the A/R Demographics screen. These terms are used to determine the due date for an invoice. If you u...
Finance Charges
You can configure finance charges so you can collect interest on late receivables. Configure Finance Charge Rates Finance charges are calculated on...
Clear Credit Card Information
You can use the Clear Credit Card Information utility to completely remove all credit card information or remove credit card information for transa...
AR Security Control for Accounts and Contacts
You can use AR security control to define which roles/users can access particular accounts and contacts. AR security control is designed to accommo...