• Dashboards

    When you log in to Momentus Enterprise, the first screen that displays is the dashboard. The dashboard contains gadgets that provide you real-time ...

  • Text Gadgets

    A text gadget is static text that displays on a dashboard. This is often used for organization or department-wide announcements. The below steps as...

  • View Gadgets

    View gadgets use a view you have already configured for a screen and shows it on the dashboard. This allows immediate access to information for a s...

  • Tabular Report Gadgets

    Tabular report gadgets require the Dashboard Reports add-on which is an upgrade to the standard dashboards available in Momentus Enterprise. See Da...

  • Chart/Pivot Report Gadgets

    Chart and pivot report gadgets require the Dashboard Reports add-on which is an upgrade to the standard dashboards available in Momentus Enterprise...

  • KPI/Gauge Report Gadgets

    KPI and gauge report gadgets require the Dashboard Reports add-on which is an upgrade to the standard dashboards available in Momentus Enterprise. ...

  • Action Button Gadgets

    Dashboards can have Action Buttons which will open to a specific feature of Momentus Enterprise. These are set up within the gadgets on your dashbo...

  • Manage Dashboards

    You can choose which dashboards are available to you on your Home screen, the order they appear and which dashboard is your default dashboard.  Cl...