• Change EFT/Check Export Formats

    Standard EFT/Check Export formats exist however, if these do not meet your bank's requirements, a format can be created and customized as necessary...

  • Accounts Payable Taxes

    You can configure taxes to automatically add to new Vouchers when a particular Supplier is used. To configure Taxes to be used in Accounts Payable:...

  • Accounts Payable Configuration Screen - General

    You use the Accounts Payable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Payable. Typically, this information is configured one ...

  • Accounts Payable Configuration Screen - Vouchers and 1099 Values Tab

    You use the Accounts Payable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Payable. Typically, this information is configured one ...

  • Accounts Payable Configuration Screen - Payments, Aging & Taxes Tab

    You use the Accounts Payable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Payable. Typically, this information is configured one ...

  • Accounts Payable Configuration Screen - Multi-Currency Tab

    You use the Accounts Payable Configuration screen to configure system behavior for Accounts Payable. Typically, this information is configured one ...

  • Supplier Terms

    You assign supplier terms on the A/P Demographics screen for a supplier. The supplier terms include when you need to pay a supplier invoice and any...

  • Bank Accounts

    Bank accounts are used for the cash movements occurring from receivables, payables, and cash book. You can also assign a GL account to the bank acc...

  • Supplier Types

    You assign supplier types on the A/P Demographics screen for a supplier. Supplier types are used to classify the type of goods and/or services a su...

  • Voucher Approvals

    You can use voucher approvals to control which vouchers are available for payment. You can assign a user or role an approval level and maximum amou...

  • Supplier Contra Payments

    Contra payments allow you to record the revenue and tax on sales for the goods and services provided to your contra partner. It also records the ex...

  • Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Suppliers

    You use user defined fields (UDFs) to gather additional information about a supplier or supplier contact. Supplier account UDFs are the same for al...

  • Accounts Payable Access Privileges

    You use access privileges to control the information roles/users can add, edit, delete or view. You use access privileges in conjunction wit...