• Session Proposal Glossary

    Public-Facing Application - The public website where people outside of your organization create and submit proposals. The options, look and feel of...

  • Session Proposal Configuration Overview

    There is a lot of flexibility available within your Session Proposal Configuration. See below for the recommended order for configuring Session Pro...

  • Session Proposal Process Overview

    Session Proposals is used to collect, evaluate and manage speaker proposals for events. You can also assign session proposals to functions to creat...

  • Session Proposal Configuration Defaults

    You create a Session Proposal configuration for each event that accepts proposals. If most events use the same information, you can configure defau...

  • Submission Configuration

    You configure proposal submission, evaluation and management for each individual event. The Submission Setup screen configures the high-level infor...

  • Submission Forms

    You configure the details for the submitter's online proposal submission experience using the submission forms in the Submission Configuration for ...

  • Evaluator and Manager Configuration

    You configure the details for the evaluator and manager experience using the Evaluation and Manager Setup screen. The Evaluation and Manager Setup ...

  • Assign Proposals to Managers

    Session Proposal Event Managers can assign evaluators to proposals and give final approval or rejection to evaluated proposals. You need to assign ...

  • Session Proposal Email Notifications

    You can set up email notifications on the Email Notifications tab on the Edit Session Proposal Submission Form window. The email notification tab h...

  • View Proposals and Contributors

    Once your potential speakers have submitted proposals, you can view the proposals in the software. View Proposal Submissions for an Event or Functi...

  • Assign Evaluators to a Proposal Submission

    You can assign an evaluator to a session proposal submission or multiple session proposal submissions. To assign an evaluator: Click the Events bu...

  • Session Proposal Evaluations

    To add a session proposal evaluation to a submission in the software, you must first assign the evaluator to the submission. You can do this online...

  • Assign Session Proposal Submissions to Functions

    To assign session proposal submissions to a function(s): Click the Events button from the Global Navigation Bar. The Events page opens. Select the...

  • Session Proposal Statuses

    Session Proposal Statuses help you manage your proposal workflow. All Session Proposal Statuses are classified into one of the following groups: In...

  • Session Roles

    The software automatically includes the Author and Co-Author roles but you can also add additional roles such as Speaker or Moderator. You can use ...

  • Session Proposal Topics

    You use Session Proposal Topics to categorize submitted proposals, assign proposal evaluators and create conference content tracks. When using topi...

  • Presentation Types

    Session Proposal Presentation Types classify the delivery method preferred by an author or speaker (roundtable, presentation, poster session, etc.)...

  • Session Proposal Criteria

    Evaluators use Session Proposal Criteria to rate and score submitted proposals on characteristics such as relevance, readability, timeliness, etc. ...

  • Session Proposal Custom Fields/User Defined Fields

    You can use Custom Fields, also called User Defined Fields (UDFs), to collect additional information for a proposal during the submission process. ...