Rob Diamant

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Recent activity by Rob Diamant Recent activity Votes
  • Crystal Formula For Last Day of the Month

    The following formula will return the last day of any month, taking into account the end of year or leap years: DateAdd("m", 1, Date(Year(Today), Month(Today), 1)) - 1

  • Dynamic Grouping with Crystal Reports

    Rather than maintaining multiple reports which display the same data but are grouped by different criteria, you can allow users to select their own groupings for a single report.  To allow a user t...

  • Sizing and Positioning in Crystal Reports

    Set Section to Fixed Height To set a section to a specific height, draw a box with the height you desire and position it at the 0, 0 coordinates. By suppressing the box, it does not display on the ...

  • Display Images from the Documents Tab in a Crystal Report when Not Using Document Management

    The MM446 table stores the path and file name for the attached images. You will first need to insert a “temp” image and then set the Graphic Location (Format Graphic, Picture Tab) to point to the p...

  • Currency Symbol Not Displaying in Totals Column

    The Grand Total field is formatted with the currency symbol (which was formatted after the report was originally added to Ungerboeck) in Crystal. The symbol displays correctly in Crystal Reports.  ...

  • Report Totals are Double the Expected Value

    Often times, reports based on order details return twice the expected value. This is usually because the report is using the Order Details table (ER101) and both Ordered and Actual records are bein...

  • Sorting Function Dates

    When sorting functions by date and time, best practice is to create a formula field to properly format the data in a usable format: cStr({EV700_FUNCTION_MASTER.EV700_START_DATE_ISO},"hhmm") Then ...

  • Using Note Types for Reporting

    Within the system, all notes are assigned a Note Type (CC025_NOTE_TYPE).  In addition, notes can also be assigned a note class (CC025_NOTE_CLASS); however, a note class is not required.  Note Clas...

  • Error When Making Changes to Custom Report

    Reports that use any custom Crystal Function provided by USI need to have EBMS Runtime installed on the computer with Crystal Reports for the function to work within the Report Designer.

  • Left Join Not Working in Crystal Report

    If there are two tables linked with a Left Join and you would like to filter the dataset on a field in the optional table but no rows are retrieved when the field in question is Null, you need to v...