Chris Laffey

Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 31
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Recent activity by Chris Laffey Recent activity Votes
  • Generating XML from MSSQL for the XML Import Utility

    The XML Import Utility is a powerful tool for importing large volumes of data into the software. To easily generate XML from Microsoft SQL, the "FOR XML" command can be appended to a select stateme...

  • Conditional Branching in EZWriter Data Sources

    Version: 19 When presenting information from the database with EZWriter, sometimes information needs to be displayed as certain way depending on the data which is returned from the database. Using ...

  • Build a Comma Separated List in EZWriter Data Sources

    Version: 19 Sometimes for presentation purposes it is nice to be able to show a list of values from the database in a comma separated list instead of a table structure. One mechanism to achieve thi...