
Manage Affiliations



  • Kris Corrigan

    is there any access restriction available to use on affiliations by on a role/user

  • Lily Evangelista

    Hi Kris,

    It is good to hear from you! There is no specific access privilege but we could use access management restrictions. Can you please give me an example of what you are trying to do?

    Thank you!


  • Valerie Fristachi



    Is there any way to create a link to Add Affiliation so that it can be included on the Affiliations section in addition to the Select button?  Thanks for your help.


  • Lily Evangelista

    Hello Valerie,


    Thank you so much for contacting Ungerboeck. You have a great question and this falls into the realm of being an enhancement to our software. Please submit a case to us so that your request can be reviewed by our development team.

    Thank you!


  • Wendy Hall

    Instructions say: From Main Menu. click Affiliations Link --NOPE

    From Main Menu, click Administration tab, click System Administration tab and it is under heading Administration.

    or  From Main Menu, use the Find Menu Item, click Affiliations


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