
Legacy Membership Demographics



  • Jason Allen

    Why is is that the Member Status field does not automatically update upon expiration of the membership? Fairly core and mandatory functionality for any memebership system. What is Ungerboeck's recommended action/solution for this?

  • Jason Allen

    Why is it that the Membership Status automatically updates to Active when a standing membership order is processed to create a membership order.?

    You generate an order, but it hasn't been paid. The membership is not Active until the order has been paid.

    What is Ungerboeck's recommended action/process to fix this?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Jason,

    The Member Status field does not automatically update upon expiration because expiration of the membership does not necessarily mean that membership benefits are discontinued. Our clients tend to have very different philosophies and practices in regards to cutting off membership benefits. Many membership providers offer a grace period for renewal after membership expiration, during which time they continue to extend membership benefits

    For clients that immediately discontinue membership benefits, the Ungerboeck Technical Services team assists and is able to have the Member Status field update at expiration.


    Sam Wilson

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