
Gender Identities



  • Asli Okur

    I am a little concerned about the introduction of gender identities in v95. 

    We upgraded our TEST to 20.95 recently and I realized, that the old regular gender field in edit contact layout is not visible to the users anymore. So we need to change the layout to show gender identities instead.

    We have several views or reports where we use the old binary gender field. Will they be updated when we enter now a new contact with the new gender identity field (asking this of course only for male and female as we were actually not planning to include any third option there). E.g. when I add someone with gender identity male, will the database value for gender value be automatically also updated for Male - M?

    Another question: When we create or update a contact in Ungerboeck via the API, where we provide the gender value, will this still work and also update the gender identity value accordingly? 

    If someone can share some info or experience on this, I would really appreciate. Thanks!



  • Erin Luber

    Hi Asli,

    I wanted to keep my response easy to read so I have copied your initial questions below. 

    Q: We upgraded our TEST to 20.95 recently and I realized, that the old regular gender field in edit contact layout is not visible to the users anymore. So we need to change the layout to show gender identities instead. 

    • A: We are not supporting the old gender field and thus it has been removed from the layout. User will have to add the new gender field to their layout is they are not using the default layout.

    Q: We have several views or reports where we use the old binary gender field 

    • A: The old field has not been removed from the database. The views that use the old gender fields will not show the old column anymore as that has been excluded from display. The reports should still work correctly.

    Q: Will they be updated when we enter now a new contact with the new gender identity field (asking this of course only for male and female as we were actually not planning to include any third option there). E.g. when I add someone with gender identity male, will the database value for gender value be automatically also updated for Male - M?

    • A: Yes, the old gender field is back filled in case you select male or female as the gender (or other in case the org parm was added). So any reports running of the old column value would still work in that scenario. The old field is set to blank in case any other gender apart from male or female is selected. This would be similar to if no gender was selected. Users will have to update their reports if they want all gender options to work correctly.

    Q: Another question: When we create or update a contact in Ungerboeck via the API, where we provide the gender value, will this still work and also update the gender identity value accordingly? (API will have to be updated)

    • A: Yes, the old Gender column is still there, so all the APIs will still work & we added a endpoint for the new Gender field. It will back fill / update the other column accordingly, so they're always in sync.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


    Erin Luber

  • Asli Okur

    Hello Erin,

    Thank you very much for your informative response. I also did try out a little more (also with the API) and confirm that I could not find any problems about this. They seem to work nicely in sync.

    We will evtl. need to update some system views so that the new gender column shows up correctly for the users, but that is OK.



  • Wouter Dumon

    Good afternoon, 

    Because of the change with genders it is currently only possible to have 5 translations of the word "male" however we have more then 5 language's in our system.


    Is there any way to add more language's? ( it used to be in the dictionary with the old gender where we could have as many translations as we wanted which was way better for us) 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Wouter,

    I may need to better understand how you are doing your translations for Gender. Ungerboeck comes with the ability to define up to 5 alternate descriptions (usually for language translations) for many fields; however, we've never allowed more than 5 alternate descriptions. It sounds like you are doing your Gender translations using another method. Could you provide more details or screenshots on how you are doing them?



  • Wouter Dumon

    Dear Maggie,


    We are using the alternate description:

    We did notice however that the Exhibitor portals aren't listening to this :( (this should be alternate discription 2:)


    As for the language we used to be able to translate male and female using the dictionary ( when it was gender and not gender identitity). Using the dictionary we had this translation in more then 5 language's (11 as of right now). so this feels like an unnecessary downgrade for us and looks un-professional towards our clients having 1 field not translated.


    Below a picture of how we used to translate it in the dictionary:

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Wouter,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are addressing this now. I will message you here once its completed & provide the .95 hot fix level. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



  • Erin Luber

    Hi Wouter,

    Testing was completed today for this in 20.95 D - Hotfix Level 2020051801. Please place a request with Client Care to apply the latest hotfix to your database. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



  • Bryan Wong

    Dear Erin,

    As mentioned in this post, Gender Identities are available for selection in Salutations, Suffixes and Prefixes. However, we found that the selection in in Salutations, Suffixes and Prefixes are not reflecting to Contacts:

    I'm under .95E patch. Can you help to take a look?



  • Erin Luber

    Hi Bryan,

    Have you configured Salutations, Suffixes & Prefixes off the main menu? 



  • Bryan Wong

    Hi Erin,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I've configured Salutations, Suffixes & Prefixes off the main menu.

    It seems that Salutations, Suffixes and Prefixes selection is not available when I'm trying to Add Contact. The selection is available during Edit Contact.



  • Erin Luber

    Hi Bryan,

    It looks like you may have an issue. Please submit a ticket. 



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