Mike Schepker

Registration Associate
  • Total activity 319
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Recent activity by Mike Schepker Recent activity Votes
  • Submission Forms

    You configure the details for the submitter's online proposal submission experience using the submission forms in the Submission Configuration for an event. The Submission Forms contain information...

  • Connect to the Momentus FTP Server

    To connect to the Momentus FTP server, we recommend using a dedicated FTP client, such as FileZilla. Things to note: In your FTP application, enter ftp.ungerboeck.com into the Host or Address fiel...

  • Create a Crystal Reports Database Connection in Enterprise

    To create a new connection via Crystal Reports follow these steps: Open Crystal and navigate to File -> Log On or Off Server. In the Data Explorer, navigate to Create New Connection and choose OLE...

  • Membership Periods

    Membership was rewritten in v30.97 to use a new process. For continuity purposes, the previous Membership functionality remains available but is referred to as Legacy Membership. In v30.97 a...

  • Roommates and Roommate Matching

    You can configure Housing to allow for roommates and roommate matching. To configure registration to allow roommates: Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events page opens. Select the ev...

  • Registrant Profile Fields

    Registrant Profile Fields are information commonly gathered during online registration. By providing these fields as standard Enterprise fields, you do not have to use user defined fields to gather...

  • Evaluator and Manager Configuration

    You configure the details for the evaluator and manager experience using the Evaluation and Manager Setup screen. The Evaluation and Manager Setup screen contains information specific to the evalua...

  • Terms and Conditions

    When configuring the Exhibitor Service Center, Online Space Booking or Session Proposals public-facing applications, you may want to include some Terms and Conditions and a check box. This is used ...

  • Register for Housing First in Online Registration

    Sometimes you may want to place the event’s housing selection at the beginning of online registration. To do this, you can use the Prioritize Housing Page option. To enable this setting: Click the...

  • View Registrant Profile Information

    You use Registrant Profile Fields during online registration to gather information about a registrant's/participant's medications, medical conditions, behavioral conditions, etc. After the registra...