Emily Crank

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Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 113
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Recent activity by Emily Crank Recent activity Votes
  • EZWriter Word Merge Template Troubleshooting

    If you or other users are encountering unexpected results from your Word Merge Templates while using EZWriter Data Formats, there are a few quick troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the m...

  • Export a Report

    Once you run a report, you may want to save it instead of printing or emailing it. The available export options are Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. There is also an option to export ...

  • Export a Standard or Custom Report File

    You may want to export a standard or a custom report so you can further customize it. You can export a report from the Report Master or the Report Viewer. To export from the Report Viewer, see Expo...

  • Reuse a Crystal Report Subreport

    When building custom reports, there may be a situation where a subreport on another report would be beneficial on the new report.  Think something like a subreport showing payments on an order or b...

  • Create a Comma Separated List in Crystal

    When a field in the system allows for multiple values (such as Products and Services) you may want to display these items as a comma separated list instead of in one column.   This is easiest to do...

  • Data Model

    The Data Model is a list of all tables and columns in the database. You can also view table references and where tables are used.  Click the Data Model link from the Main Menu to access the Data Mo...

  • Manipulate Dates and Times in Crystal Reports

    Occasionally, it is necessary to display a date on a report that is based on another date.  For example, you would like to generate a report that has reminder dates based on the start date of an ev...

  • How to Use Optional Parameters in Crystal Reports

    In cases where users would like the option to filter a report, such as by Account Representative, but do not always want the filter to be used, you can use two available options: Using the Crystal ...

  • How to Use Variables in Crystal Reports

    Crystal Report allows seven types of variables (Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime and Boolean) declared using one of three scopes (Local, Global and Shared).  The variables can be used...

  • Group and Sort in Crystal Reports

    When using Crystal report groups, Crystal automatically adds the groups created to the sort order.  As a result, additional sort criteria can only be added at the end of the group sort records.  Th...