
Improve Performance and Load Time in Grids, Sections, and Tabs



  • Alex Zheng


    I am wondering, how do I know " Is the View set up to return all rows" ?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Alex,

    To see if a view is setup to return all rows, go to the screen where your view exists and select the view from the View drop-down.  Next, click on the View drop-down again and click Save View.  This will display the detail view information including a checkbox at the bottom that says "Display all rows".  If this checkbox is checked, then all rows are being displayed when the view is selected,  If the checkbox is unchecked, then only a system configured amount of rows will display when the view is used. 




  • Kieron Marshall

    Is there a way like above where we can set how many contacts when setting up a service order are loaded before it is blank and shows the "Load all" option? we want to look at increasing it so that all contacts are always shown.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kieron,

    See if System Parameter AA 927 will help accomplish what you are looking for:

    The Amount field of this system parameter contains the maximum number of items that will appear in a static dropdown combobox.  If the number of items exceeds the amount set in this parameter, the dropdown combobox will be dynamic loading.   A static dropdown combobox loads all the items upfront.    A dynamic dropdown combobox loads items as you type search criteria.  If this system parameter's Amount field is not set or is set to an invalid value, the maximum number of items that will that will appear in a static dropdown combobox will default to 20 items.



  • Kieron Marshall

    Thanks Maggie that is exactly what I am after.

  • Abhishek. Mathur

    Hi Maggie

    Is there a way we can determine how many users of a current view is using the option of "display all rows" on their dashboard?

    We are wanting to fine tune some performance issues.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Abhishek,

    This is a difficult one to answer. I am going to give you a way to see which views are set up to “Display All Rows” that will be available in the upcoming v20.93 release. This doesn’t necessarily give you views that are performance problems because there are filters attached to views as well. So you could be displaying all rows but have filters attached that only return two rows.

    In v20.93, you can go to the Views option off the main menu and show the “Display All Rows” column. There isn’t a filter for this field but you can group on it to see which ones are set to Display All Rows by default.


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