
HTML in iEBMS Dictionary Phrases



  • Brenda Chung

    How to adjust?

  • Stephan Froden

    For information on how to adjust the Dictionary Phrases for iEBMS, please refer to the following article:


    For further information about EBMS Dictionaries, try searching the Knowledge Base for 'Dictionary' or 'Dictionaries'.

  • Maryann Heck

    hi, I am trying to add bold HTML text to the dictionary however I am not successful. Is this still possible in v30?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Maryann,

    Can you share more about what text you are trying to bold? Is it text on a public facing application (iEBMS or a newer public facing application) or in back office? Can you also share the HTML you are using to try to bold the text and where you are adding it?



  • Maryann Heck

    hi Maggie, I am referring to public facing application.
    I am trying to bold parts of the text in the user Dict Internal ID: 9495, Browser Phrase Types

    I tried to add both <b> and <strong>tags and neither worked.

    Ex: <b> Important <b/>

    Let me know if you need more details.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Maryann,

    iEBMS and Registration are the only applications that allow for HTML in dictionary phrases. All other public applications do not support it for security reasons; they do not try to parse any HTML entered into the dictionary. You could likely accomplish what you are looking to do using CSS in the web skin/theme though.



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