
Asset Import Template



  • Mike Heness

    I have tried to use this format to build our Fixed Asset imports and cannot relate many of the fields provided to what is actually available in "Asset Import Formats (v19)".  

    Example 1: Spreadsheet lists field FX551_CAP_EXP, but is is not showing on the list of fields available.

    Example 2:  Spreadsheet lists field FX551_LIFE_YEARS & the closest I can find is Asset Depreciable Years

    Can I ask someone to provide an updated format list or tell me if I'm "barking up the wrong tree"

  • Patrick Tenny

    The attached worksheet was developed prior to users being able to develop their own import format. Now with current versions may use the Asset Import Formats (v19), you may develop the import sequence you choose by copying the existing template and editing your new template.

    The USI Import Asset template is in the same sequence as the attached spreadsheet (through the first 36 rows) so that FX551_CAP_EXP = Asset Scope.

    With the Asset Import Format (v19), it should no longer be necessary to refer to the attached worksheet

  • Chanh Huynh

    Hi Patrick - do you have a guide as to how the Fill Factor should be configured in the Asset Import Formats?

    I'm thinking of using this import tool to revalue our assets to the new revalued amounts. Will there be any issues with importing assets that already exist? I was thinking that this just overrides the values that exist.

    There are also columns that I don't need to change. If I leave these blank, will it override existing data with blanks?


  • Patrick Tenny

    The standard import cannot be used to overwrite existing assets. I imagine a sql statement could be written to update correct tables and fields. Contact the helpdesk for a tech services project if you do not want to manually overwrite current values


  • Chanh Huynh

    Hi Patrick

    I tested using the template yesterday to import in existing assets and it works. What I need to do is to have a column for Asset Exists and have the parameter as "Y". The other thing I noticed was that you need to enter the adjustment rather than the asset value e.g. if the cost basis is $1000 and you want it to be $400, you have to enter an amount of -$600.

    I then tested running depreciation journals and it created an adjustment to accumulated depreciation and depreciation. The additions journal looks like it reduces the value of the assets GL account and adds this back onto our Work In Progress GL account which I don't think we want, so I'm going to modify this.

    The only thing I wasn't able to change was the useful life.

    So it looks like this appends the amounts on the asset. Can you please advise if this will impact on how the system will behave for future depreciation?


  • Patrick Tenny

    Once your Net Book Value and your remaining life is accurate the system will depreciate over the remaining life. You will be able to review how the system will calculate future depreciation by selecting menu option Forecast Depreciation.

  • Chanh Huynh

    We have had to do an asset import this year due to revaluation of our assets. 

    Although the import template allows us to import the useful life years and months, it does not update this in the asset.

    Is there something that I am missing here?

    If you are doing this, please note that what you put into the asset import template for Acquired Cost, Qty, Book Value and Accumulated Depreciation should all be adjustments to the existing values - this will avoid doubling up.

    Also note that in UB when you export the asset register, it gives you the name and code of the field, however I have had to convert all of this to the codes for importing. Dates are in US format MM/DD/YYYY which is mentioned above for CSV but is also required for XLSX format too.

  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Chanh,

    The fields for life years and months currently only for adding new assets. For now it wont update the life of the asset for existing assets. You may suggest this in product ideas for an enhancement.




  • Chanh Huynh

    Thanks Irene. Will do.

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