
Copy an Event



  • Sarah Gore-Clough

    Hello it is very frustrating that you cannot copy over activities when copying events - we have it raised it as a case Request #27796 - but we have been told this is an enhancement request. We have some test users as we are due to go live in the next few weeks and this is one of their biggest frustrations. Why was it not copied from V19 ??

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sarah,

    Because Traces and Activities from v19 were combined into Activities in v20, there are technical limitations in the copy process in v20. I understand your frustration, and will reiterate to our Product Management Team that this is important to your organization.


  • R.C. Chancy

    We are trying to copy some events that had items that are no longer in inventory. in V19 we can override, but V20 doesn't give us any options. Is there a way to get around this in V20? Is there a way to easily find and replace the offending items?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    I have someone on our team looking into this and will provide the answer as soon as she has reviewed it.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    This may have been inadvertently left out of the move from v19 to v20. Could you submit a ticket to our Client Care Team with the specifics of the problem and the steps you are taking? You can submit a ticket by going to support.ungerboeck.com and clicking the Submit a Ticket button.


  • Andie Hess

    In version 20 I am trying to copy an event. When I copy the event to a new date the service orders & items do not copy to the new event date.  Am I missing something to get it to carry all that information over? 



  • You probably need to edit the layout of the copy even screen to show the check boxes that select bookings, service orders, etv

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Andie,

    Lee is correct - make sure that the Include Orders checkbox is displayed on the Copy Event screen and that the checkbox is checked.  To display this checkbox on the Copy Event screen, click the Edit Layout link in the lower right corner of the Copy Event screen (if you don't see this link, you may not have access and may need to contact your system administrator).

    There are also additional options for copying orders during the copy event process such as repricing them, copying order documents, selecting the new order status, etc. that can be added as well. 



  • Lauren Delaney

    I have copied an event in order to book space for future years.  However, I didn't have all my functions and services when I copied it.  Is there a way to merge the two events so I don't have to enter the information again?




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lauren,

    There isn't a direct way to merge events.  I would recommend using the Script from Event feature (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204568028) to move over any of the missing functions.  For services, if you are referring to service orders, you can also copy those to the new event (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/205091308). 



  • Permanently deleted user

    When I am in v20 and I right click to Copy the Event, I always get an error about the Release Date. However, I can't see the release date. I always go back into v19 to copy the event becasue I can fix the release date. Where can I find the Release Field in v20?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Katy,

    It sounds like the Release Date is not on your screen layout.  On the Edit Event screen, click on the Edit Layout link in the lower right corner (if you don't see it, you may not have access and may need to have your administrator do this).  On the Edit Layout screen, locate the Release Date from the list of columns on the left and drag it over to the screen layout on the right.  Click OK and the field will be on the screen so you can edit it.



  • Gary Firlit

    I am trying to copy a recurring event to the next month.  I am able to copy the event and bring the service orders over, however I do not want the quantity that is listed in the previous event to come over to the new event, but I do want the actual resources chosen in the service order.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Lea Tenore

    Hi Gary--

    Currently there is not a way to prohibit the quantities from being added to a new order.  When events are copied with service orders, the actual resources are copied and the original quantities are automatically included on the new event .   You will need to access the Service Orders tab within your new event and manually edit the units on the Edit Service Order screen. 


    Thank you,


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Gary,

    Depending on your exact requirements, you might want to consider using Event Profiles (or Script from Event Profile).  The profile can contain the zero qty orders and you can use this as a copy source.

  • Alex Calderhead

    Are there permissions to prevent certain items from being copied by accident? We are trying to prevent our Event Managers from inadvertently copying service orders.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Alex,

    I'd recommend removing the Order Options section from the layout of the Copy Event screen for the Event Manager role so none of the service order options display for them.



  • Alex Calderhead

    Thanks Maggie but it appears copying other things, such as service order, is checked by default. If I hide the check boxes in the layout, won't the default stand?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Alex,

    The Copy Event screen remembers the last checkbox setting that was used.  Once you uncheck that checkbox and copy an event, then that checkbox will be remembered as "unchecked."  Then you can remove that section from the screen and orders will never be copied when an event is copied.


  • R.C. Chancy

    We also would like to be able to copy over the activities when we copy an event.  Has this request ever been addressed?

  • R.C. Chancy

    When we copy an event forward, the default status for the new event is "Tentative."  Is there a way for us to make the default status "Holding Space?"

  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    Activities aren't copied when an event is copied.  Since activities are typically a history of what has been done for a specific event, it isn't something that usually makes sense to be copied. 

    Regarding the default status, the system will use the lowest event status when creating the new event - the same that is used when a new event is created.


  • Pat Falkner

    When copying an event, we would like to have discretion whether "merchandise" is copied or not.  I can't find a way to pick/choose whether merchandise is copied.  If so, can you select just some?

    Use case would be:

    We hold an event and sell related books as merchandise on the merchandise function.

    The next month, we will hold the same topic/event but sell different merchandise.

    In this case, we wouldn't want to copy the Merchandise Function.

    The next time we hold the event, we may or may not want to keep the original merchandise or not.


    We can't use profiles in that they are not yet fully functional in v20.


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Pat - In the current version, the merchandise is wrapped up in the overall v20 registration configuration. There isn't a way to copy the v20 registration configuration but not the merchandise. I've passed along this feedback to our Product Manager. Thank you.

    Mark F

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello - I'm trying to copy a Cancelled event, but get an error "Access Denied: You are not allowed to copy a cancelled event."  This makes it sound like an access privilege issue, but I don't see a privilege to specifically grant that access.  Is there one that I'm missing?

    If not, how does one copy from a cancelled event?  Or is that just not an available feature?

    Thank you,




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    Cancelled events cannot be copied.  You'd need to restore the event through the Restore Event process on the Cancelled & Archived Events screen to copy it.



  • Permanently deleted user


    Before I put in an enhancement request: I'm assuming allowing copying of cancelled events has been vetted multiple times over the years and failed?  If so, can you clarify why this has been deemed an undesirable feature?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I talked with a few teams and this isn't something that has come up that much so we haven't really explored it.  I'd recommend posting in our Feature Requests community to see if there are others who run across the same challenge and would benefit from having this enabled.

    Have a great day and look forward to seeing you at our conference in September!


  • Jenny Harvey


    if you are copying over an event with booth options /PLACED EXHBITORS but on the new floorplan that stand is no longer there or a different configuration, what gets copied into the service order


    Eg 2017 COMPANY ABC was on A01 as a 6 x 6, created the 2018 event COMPANY ABC want to come back in but A01 is now a 9 x 6.  Does the stand number come across and reconfigure the units automatically  or does it come across with ADD or SELECT BOOTH and you have to select the booth?

    Just trying to determine if this COPY EVENT will work for us

    thanks in advance





  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Jenny,

    When using Copy Event, in order to copy exhibitors with the booths already assigned to them you must also copy the floor plan. This means that booth A01 on the new event will be identical in size as on the previous event. You can manually resize the booth after the event is copied and that should update the order automatically if you are using booth validation. 

    If you choose not to copy the floor plan, then the exhibitors will come over with Add or Select Booth Order as the service order will no longer be tied to a booth. 

    Hope this helps!


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