
Sales Opportunities



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Tash,

    Then, yes, I agree. The first suggestion of ensuring the opportunity type allows for duplicates would be the best route to take here. A lot of times, our customers will have an opportunity type centered around new business and do not allow duplicates for they can provide a discount or special pricing for those individuals. Same theory could arise for those loyal customers who have repeat business.

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Tash Dawson

    Thanks very much Kaitlyn for your very quick response!

  • Melanie Alldis

    Hi, is there any reason why when saving changes to an existing opportunity that there is a difference between the OK & save button and the save Icon button.  I ask as when we save using the icon button the system saves the changes and then automatically opens the "Edit Cancelled and Archived Opportunity" screen.  Using the Ok & save does not create this (mostly unwanted) screen.  We are currently operating version 20.9F. Thank you!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Melanie,

    Each one of the save buttons has a different behavior:

    Click OK - This saves the information for whatever you are adding/editing and closes the screen. 

    Click Save & - This saves the information, closes the screen and then opens a new screen based on what the action is after the "&" for the button. Using Save & Add Activity as an example, after editing the opportunity information, you click Save & Add Activity. The Edit screen for the opportunity closes and then a new Add Activity screen opens.

    Click Save (disk icon) - This saves the information and keeps the screen open. Sounds like in the scenario you are describing above, you are updating the opportunity status to a cancelled status. When you click the Save button, the changes get saved and then the screen changes to the Edit Cancelled & Archived Opportunity screen since it's now a cancelled opportunity.  Editing cancelled opportunities uses a different screen than editing opportunities because not all the information on a cancelled opportunity is editable.

    Hopefully that all makes sense - it was a lot harder to explain using words than I expected!



  • Stephen Humphries


    Is it possible to change the status of opportunities in bulk? For example, I have a spreadsheet of opportunities that I need to change from New or In Progress to Complete or Lost.


    Thank you,


  • Hi Stephen, i'm not aware of any way "out of the box" but it wouldn't be too hard to do with a little customization.

    Let's see if anyone knows a way to do it using standard functionality, otherwise I can give you a hand.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Stephen,

    There is an Edit Multiple option on the Opportunities screen where you can change the status of multiple opportunities at one time. Is that what you are looking for?


  • Stephen Humphries

    HI Maggie -- Yes it is. Where is that option?

  • Maggie U.


    On the Opportunities screen, highlight the opportunities you'd like to change, right-click and Edit Multiple will be the first option in the list. 

    Check the check box next to the Status field and select the new status from the drop-down. Click OK and all the selected Opportunities update to the new status. If the Status field isn't available on your Edit Multiple screen, you may have to add it to your screen layout.

    Hope that helps!


  • Stephen Humphries

    PERFECT. Thank you!

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