
Email Templates



  • Carrie Spalding

    Hello everyone - at the moment there isn't an update.  It is currently on the road map, but there isn't a date attached to that. Should I hear otherwise I will be sure to update this thread.


  • Carrie Spalding

    Wouter, unfortunately not at this time.


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Carrie,

    I am again migrating a customer from v19 to v20 and I am again up to the part where I recreate the e-mail templates.  Again I cannot simply replicate the invoice e-mail template.

    Please advise how I can create:

    Dear *First Name - Invoice Contact*,

    Please find attached an invoice for *Description - Event*


  • Carrie Spalding


    I've passed your comments to Product Management.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Carrie, please also let them know I'm available any time to discuss it if needs be.

  • Kris Corrigan


    Can we not choose a template upon sending from the 'Send Email' as shown below.

    The 'Select Email Template' is available in the edit layout but this is not displayed in the email.



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    I believe that as this send e-mail is from the Global navigation, then there is no context for a template to be able to merge data from.  What sort of template did you have in mid for this functionality?  Does your template have merge fields?

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sean

    The template is purely free text no merge fields needed, the 'Select Email Template' is available in the edit layout so surely it should feed through.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Kris,

    Sean is correct. The 'Select Email Template' is hidden when going to the Send Email window from the global navigation bar because there is no context for a template to be able to merge data from.

    Have a great day!

    Kaitlyn Skubic

    Ungerboeck Quality Analyst

  • Nancy McCulley

    I cannot get a wildcard into the subject line of an email template in v20. Tried Shift +F2 (as recommended in post from Nov. 2015) but it does not work. Using the wildcard button on the toolbar opens a list of available wildcards but the selection goes into the body of the template, not the subject line.

    Nancy McCulley

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Nancy

    Should work, just checking that you have

    • Chosen a Subject (Events etc.)
    • Placed cursor in the Email Subject Field
    • Then use the Shift+F2 keys

    If all the above have been done, maybe post some screen shots here - or steps you are taking.

  • Nancy McCulley

    Unable to post screen shots, sorry. Not sure why I'm unable to copy & paste here.

    I followed steps above. Pressing Shift+F2 does nothing. I am able to get the Insert Field dialogue box to appear by pressing the Wildcard button, but after selecting a wildcard and clicking OK, the cursor jumps into the text area of the template. No wildcard inserts.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Nancy,

    I apologize for the difficulty here. I would recommend reaching out to Client Care and have them take a look.

    Thank you,

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Quality Analyst

  • Jodi Webb

    hi all,

    I thought there was a feature on V20 to convert a V19 email template to a V20 template. Does anyone know if I was dreaming this, or there is a way to do this?



  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Jodi, unfortunately I don't believe this functionality exists and email templates would have to be recreated in v20.  



  • Kris Corrigan


    Is there a way to lock the 'Send email as...' upon choosing a template this will change for our users and this has to be changed back to the original choice.



  • Alex Weidenbenner


    We have logic built into which option the Send Email As “defaults” to.  When an email template is selected, I believe it changes over to “mass” mode.  This assumes that you want each recipient to get a personalized/individual email.  The other option is that you are sending group email.  So it sounds like there is no way to lock it but the behavior should be predictable if you know the rules.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Is there a wildcard field for the name of the user currently logged in? We want emails to be signed off with the user's name.

  • Theresa Gorman


    In the source list, there is one called 'Current User' wildcards within that are:

    Display Name



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Perfect, thanks. 

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    I just tested it by sending it to myself but it displayed  *MM405_USER_NAME*, not my Display Name.

  • Sean Tame

    What subject would I select for an Opportunity Confirmation e-mail template?  Is there a subject of Opportunity?

    I have configured a COWF and would like to send an e-mail saying

    Dear *Opportunity Contact First Name*,

    Thanks for your enquiry of *Opportunity Description*.

    Please send $1m before *Opportunity Decision Date*.

    We are happy to confirm the below
    *UDF Text 1 Value*
    *UDF Date 5 value*

    Many thanks,
    *Opportunity Salesrep First Last Name*


    How would I do that?


  • Dave Segasture


    To create an Email Template which would be accessible for a COWF configuration, I haven't found any limitations in regard to Subject.

    I would think you'd most typically use Activities, All Accounts, Events but I think nearly any Subject will be available.

    You would need to look at the Wildcards available for each Subject to find if any include the Fields you desire and you may need to revert to the actual EZWriter for some of the fields, such as the UDF's you specified.

    Dave S.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Dave,

    What I'm asking is what Subject (that is available in the Add Email & Merge template window) contains the Opportunity fields?  The data for the e-mail merge is going to be coming from the Opportunity (CR073) table itself. (Opportunity Description, Date, Opportunity Salesperson, Revenue etc.)  What subject are these available in?  I cannot find them in Activities, All Accounts, Events.

    I just think we are missing a subject here.

    If I have to use EZWriter, then would I have to create the entire e-mail in EZWriter or would I be able to use an EZWriter data source for the required values only?  I can't work out how to use EZWriter as the Subject/Merge Source for an e-mail template.

    Also wondering why we cannot use multiple sources (as Word Merge can) for e-mail templates.


  • Dave Segasture


    I don't believe those fields are available in any of the Sources at this time. You might want to submit them as an Enhancement Suggestion and if they are available we should be able to add them to the appropriate Source/Subject.

    As for now, I think you will need to use EZWriter to produce your desired Email Template.

    If you need assistance with using the EZWriter in that way, reach out to Jessica Stearn to get a call booked with someone from our Solutions Team, who can assist.  


  • Melanie Alldis


    Is there a way to delete headings & subheadings from the Email & Merge Templates.  I have created a few that I need to delete but am unable to find them via the account or event templates, and am only able to add via the Email & Merge Templates.


  • John Padgett



    Currently, there is no way to delete those headings. Add/Edit/Delete of Global Document Headings is being converted to v20 in v20.94. There's no targeted deadline defined for ad-hoc headings at this time. You can view the conversation around these changes at the following links:



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi all,

    This may have already been mentioned earlier in the thread but is there anywhere to find a list of the wildcards?

    I ask because I'm currently trying to create a Purchase Order email template and the Subject field is greyed out, every time I click the wildcard I get a prompt "Please select a subject and try your request again" (See below).

    My workflow was purchase orders > reports >purchase order report > (in report viewer) attach to email > (additional information tab) select email template > (in this dropdown) add.


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Asha,

    What version are you on?  I have noticed that for some reason, now, when creating a new template, you get a Subject Pop Up, rather than just selecting it as a required field on the form.

    I'm not sure how you were able to create one without a subject?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Sean,

    We're using V20.93E, the reason I believe I was able to proceed without a subject is because I clicked Add email template from within the purchase orders screen - there is no 'Purchasing' subject and therefore it couldn't auto-populate this field.

    If that makes sense?

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