
Searching over Accounts and Contacts



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    I think I understand now what you are dealing with.

    When you create a relationship between a contact and a company, you actually enter two pieces of data.  1) The Company field on the contact is populated and 2) You create a 'link' to the organization account.  

    This is all great when there is a 1:1 for contact to company.  But in your case, you are a contact for both ACC and USI.  The Company field on the contact can only store one value.  When searching by 'Company' you are just doing a dumb search on contacts that have that value in the company field.

    What you need to do in this instance is search the 'relationships' to find all contacts that have a relationship to USI.  It looks as though this is still not available in v20 "Event Sales Account Relationships (v19)".  However, I found that this window also does not return the contact in the list even though they are still related.

    There is clearly a link between the contact Company field and the relationship record (they populate together and if you clear out the company field, it prompts you to retire the relationship) so to make things intuitive, if you search via the company field, it is clear that you should automatically (or with an option) also be searching relationships to that company.

    Difficult to explain but hopefully you can follow.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Dan,

    Please contact our Client Care team so they can look into the issue you are having further. I am not aware of a specific access privilege stopping a user from being able to use the To filed when sending emails. 



  • Daniel Dickenson

    Hi Ryan,


    Apologies for the confusion. I meant when these users attempt to use the Send Link By Email feature they are unable to populate the To field. 


    When they type in an Account/ Contact the search feature for the To field does not populate meaning the users are unable to select an Account/ Contact. 


    I was wondering if you knew if there was a specific Access Privilege which is stopping the users being able to use the To field when sending emails? 


    Kind regards, 


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Dan,

    Just so you are aware the Send Link By Email functionality sends to users and not accounts.  As far as your service partners not being able to search accounts I would suggest setting up some time with Client Care so we can see exactly how you have everything set up.



  • Daniel Dickenson

    Hi All, 


    We have a role set up which is used by our service partners therefore they have very restricted access to only view what they need. 


    I am training them to use the Send Link By Email functionality however when they attempt to type in an account/ email address into the To field no information populates in the dropdown. 


    Additionally the are unable to search accounts if I give them access to Account - All.


    Would anyone know the exact Access Privilege(s) required to search accounts? 


    Kind regards, 

    Dan Dickenson - ACC Liverpool  

  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, unfortunately this isn't an option at this time.  Please feel free to submit an enhancement request if you'd like to see this functionality added.

    Thank you,


  • Kris Corrigan


    When doing a search in EBMS is there availability for a NOT value to be chosen as opposed to putting in the entries you do you require or even on the search field?



  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Greg

  • Greg Janssen

    Hi Kris-

    We have a table called Accounts Receivable Security Control Codes (v19) that you can use. First step, build the codes for the specific account groups. Next you will go to each account and add the A/R Control to the account. If it isn't in the layout, you will need to add that field. You can filter and get a group of accounts, highlight them and right click to edit multiple. AR Control will be one of the options. Lastly, you will go to Access Privileges from the main menu and find the table AR Security Control Account Access. Click Manage and add the users\roles. Then you should right click and Assign Details. Add the code or codes specific to that user or role. Now those users only see the accounts affiliated with the AR Control Codes.


    Greg Janssen

  • Kris Corrigan


    How can we assign account designations to a user or a role in order for staff to only see the designations they may require.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Carrie

  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, at this point I suggest you contact Support so they can look at your current set up and work with you directly.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sean

    Using the "Event Sales Account Relationships (V19)"  as you said still doesn't return the contact, also clearing the company (ACC Liverpool) and retiring the relationship still doesn't bring the contact out although I am still have active contact with the company "Ungerboeck"

    So going back to my question If a person is attached to an account of one company, but has a relationship/organisation with another, how can I look for them on the contacts screen?



  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sean

    Thanks for the explanation and I can follow this, we do have contacts that have a company and are linked to an organization and these are the contacts we are missing out when doing mail shots.

    I have tried the V19 I have noticed the contacts I am looking or are missing are staff (1 being myself) although the 'Event Sales' box is active I wonder if their is a conflict with one of the other boxes that I have active.



  • Isha tan

    Is it possible to do an "AND" search within a field? For example, in our Affiliation field, I want to be able to find accounts where Affiliation=x AND Affiliation=y. Right now, when I select two values for the same search criterion, an "OR" search is done.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Carrie

    I have reset the limit relationships field to be blank and it still doesn't work, why when you enter the company name within a contact does all the contacts not display as in this example Ungerboeck doesn't display me as a contact although it does on the account screen.



  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, what are the Relationship Statuses set to?  You can access the Relationship window in a number of ways.  From the Contacts window (with the contact selected), navigate to the Details tab, under Organizations, and right-click on the Org.  Select Edit, then Edit Relationship.  Or, from the Accounts window, select the Account, then the Contact, and follow the same process.  



  • Kris Corrigan

    Now included the other screen

  • Sean Tame

    Did you paste the same screen twice?

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sean

    They are the same (to a degree) but within contacts entering in the organization under the company name doesn't display all the contacts as I would have expected and this was the case for myself, entering in Ungerboeck under the company of the contact does not display me as a contact.

    Above is 2 screenshots, 1 were Ungerboeck is the company and you will not see me as a contact and the other were I am the contact and you will see Ungerboeck as an Organisation.




  • Sean Tame

    Sorry - you've lost me.  Company and Organisation are the same things are they not?

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sean

    Its a search of a contact based on an 'Organisation' e.g. Kris Corrigan under the company ACC Liverpool but has Ungerboeck as an Organisation I would like to search for the contact based on the organisation within the contacts screen, as entering in Ungerboeck as a company does not display me as a contact.

    Hope this makes sense.



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    What if you go to Contacts (from the Global Nav) and then search buy the Company field.  Does this not give you what you want?

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Carrie

    Yes this is what I would like.

    To be able to do a search on contacts based on an organisation.



  • Carrie Spalding



    When I open a specific contact, and go to the Details tab, I can view all of the relationships that contact has. Are you wanting to see this information on the grid when you search over all contacts?


  • Kris Corrigan
    1. If a person is attached to an account of one company, but has a relationship/organisation with another, how can I look for them on the contacts screen? They only show up listed under the main account and not the other they are attached to.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Isha,

    Currently there isn't a way to change the search from an 'or' to an 'and'. If this is something you would like considered in a future release, please submit a request to helpdesk@ungerboeck.com. Be sure to include your business case so our product managers have a good understanding of the requirements.


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