
Send Emails



  • Bec Hassan

    Is there a way to insert an image into the email body? I can see the option but it doesn't seem to let me upload one from my files, and only wants a link.

  • Dustin Banks

    Yes, there was recently an issue corrected when you insert the image through the ALL link but you can go to Main Menu -> Account Template Documents -> Upload your image here. Then using the acton email, you can find your image in the advanced search to insert a link. 

  • Alicia Montgomery Dunlap

    is there a way the schedule the sending of emails? For example: scheduling emails for registration reminders to automatically send 1 week & 1day prior to an event.

  • Kim Boettcher

    Hi Alicia!

    Unfortunately, it's not possible at this time to schedule the sending of emails.


  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi All,

    I have some pdf documents saved in an event and want to attach these when sending an email to a registrant. But when I click right on the order registrant, select "send email" and then select "add attachment - from ungerboeck - from event", I can't find the documents that are saved in any of the events I am working with. In the search window there are no filters set. When I filter for the event I am currently working on, no documents are shown.

    The only documents I can see are documents uploaded by other users (Subject: event document, Sensitivity: Internal, Event: [0])

    Is this a bug or can I change any settings?

    Thanks, Elisabeth 

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Can I ask which Ungerboeck version and patch you are currently on? I followed your recreation steps in our Quality testing environments and for the order registrant when selecting From Ungerboeck > From Event on the send email window all event documents show correctly. 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Ryan,

    we are currently on 30.96D but will hopefully soon be able to upgrade to .97B in the coming weeks. I just also checked in our test environment (on .97B) and there it works.


  • Ryan Canny

    Thanks for letting me know Elisabeth. Glad to hear you will be upgrading to .97B soon. Yes, I tested in .97B as well and did not have any issues.

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can you specify a CC email address to be automatically populated when emailing a particular account?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Gavin,

    At this time Ungerboeck does not have the functionality to auto populate a CC email address when sending an email to a particular account.  

  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Another strange Error message:
    I'm selecting several registrants of an event and click on "send email" so that they all get a separate email with the same content. When I try to attach a document from Ungerboeck > from Event I get the following error message:

    As they are all part of the same event, I would expect to be able to send them an attachement from the event.

    Attaching a file from the computer works without issues, manually adding several recipients to an email also gives the option to attach an document from the Event.


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Elisabeth,

    This is the correct message you should receive for any of the From Ungerboeck workflows on Send Email window as the system looks up documents from Account/Event/Order/etc. For your workflow you can only select a single registrant at a time to be able to proceed to Select Documents window. When you are sending multiple documents you would receive documents tied to other Events/Accounts/Orders/etc.

    I hope this helps.


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