Emily Crank

Registration Associate
Venue Sales Associate
Venue Operations Associate
  • Total activity 113
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Recent activity by Emily Crank Recent activity Votes
  • Using EZWriter Data Formats with Microsoft Word

    You can create Microsoft Word based template documents to add as reports or folder items. To do this, follow the below steps: Click the Account Template Documents link from the Main Menu. The Temp...

  • Registration Confirmation Custom Templates

    You can use an EZWriter Data Format to create custom registration confirmation templates.  Create the EZWriter Data Format A registration confirmation must come from one single data format. This me...

  • How to Add a SQL Expression to a Crystal Report

    SQL Expressions are useful when adding a value from a table that is not part of the select statement or when adding data that may or may not be present for each record.  For example, adding a field...

  • Understanding WRI (EZWriter) page URLs

    When learning to build an EZWriter URL with the parameters embedded in the URL, it can be difficult to understand where to place the parameters and values.  The URL that is listed on the WRI editor...

  • Using a Login for WRI (EZWriter) pages

    When building an EZWriter webpage, there is an option to add a Logon to the page.  There are two primary ways to use this functionality.   Use the Logon to restrict access to information As the log...

  • Crystal Reports Special Lookup Fields

    When using Crystal Reports, you can create some parameters that are automatically replaced with a drop-down of selections. All these parameters begin with an @ or %. They are useful when the report...

  • Formatting Times in Crystal Reports Formula Fields

    When formatting a time field in a Crystal Report formula field you can use the ToText function that is built into Crystal Reports.   The basic formula is: ToText({fieldname}, "Time Format") To bu...

  • Formatting Dates in Crystal Reports in Formula Fields

    When formatting a text field in a Crystal Report formula field there are two options.  To get a standard date format, such as "01/01/2013" or "Tuesday, January 01, 2013", you can use the date forma...

  • Why is EZWriter Not Filling in UDF Values?

    When using EZWriter with UDFs for Events and Orders, you much specify the value in CR073_EXT_ACCT_CODE in the Where clause of your SQL statement.  However, the @ORDER and @EVENT values in the where...

  • Selecting Multiple Values on a Crystal Report Parameter

    It is possible to setup a Crystal Report parameter that accepts multiple values.  You may want to use this if you want users to be able to select several Event Statuses or choose from a list of Fun...