
Registration Waitlists



  • David Pollock

    Hi Christine,

    To expand on Mikes comment above, we have "Views" setup in our Registration Order Items  tab and our Registrants tab which are filtered by Item Status = Waitlist - Waitlist, which will only display Order Items or Registrants that have that status.

    Also, our event managers find a snapshot total helpful which we have created by adding summary fields to the events window which are filtering the same way. (screenshot below).

    Hope this gives you some ideas!

  • Aubrey Zhou

    I was testing the wait listing functionality out. See below the configuration:

    When I goes for registration, the page only displays sold out. Shouldn't there be a message saying if you wish to join the waitlist?

  • Christine Frank

    Hi Mike, thank you for your explanition. I finally managed to add the tab (it was a bit hidden :-)) now i have it displayed directly in my Event which is perfect. I will check out the Item Status column at the regiatration order items.

    David Pollock: thank you, indeed it give me ideas, I will try to configure a view and i totally love the snapshot you created. I will try to do so as well.


    Thank you Mike and David!!




  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Aubrey,

    I took a look at your event in Test and for your scenario you need to change the Maximum Capacity Type to Function/Item (instead of Event/Item). You also need to add Waitlist Item Maximum Capacity to your layout and set that to 2 to match the Function Waitlist Maximum Capacity since there is only one item on your function. 



  • Andreas Langer


    can I add participants to the waitlist in the backend? Or do I have to go through front end?



  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Andreas,

    Registration Orders in Back Office will respect the capacity and waitlist settings you have defined in Registration Setup. So if you have a function that is waitlisted in public registration, it will also be added to the order as waitlisted in back office.



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