
Selecting Multiple Values on a Crystal Report Parameter



  • Lori Lee

    The multiple value options works great in Crystal, but does not work in USI if you are not using a Special Lookup field. Where can we find a list of all the Special Lookup fields? I'm looking for one specifically for Registrants. 

  • Emily Crank


    It depends on what exactly you are looking for.  But a good place to start is https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/entries/25002076  This article lists the basic Special Lookup fields.  Perhaps %Account will help you out?

  • Lori Lee

    I want to select people from the events registrant list, but I will start with %Account. Thanks for the link from the previous article, but I noticed it doesn't display everything. I accidentally ran across another special lookup field in a report not listed in this article, so was curious what else was missing. 

  • Emily Crank

    You are correct that it's not a full listing.  The page only shows the most useful that can be used on a report regardless of the report list being used.  A more complete list can be found within the EZ Writer Add Data Source screen.  If you click the Add Data Source Parameter button, then right click and choose Add Standard Parameter, you will see a list of all the Active Parameters and Special Lookup fields.  On this screen, the Special Lookup Fields start with !.  When using them in Crystal, they should still begin with % and have no trailing !.

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