
Copy an Event



  • Jenny Harvey

    Thanks Mike

    so just to clarify if we copy over the a floorplan but it's not identical, we will need to resize manually the booth in the new floorplan  If that booth is no longer on that floorplan, eg booth A01 doesn't exist, that exhibitor still come across  but with ADD or SELECT BOOTH ORDER on the service order?

    As we will have more that should match that don't but will have the random one!



  • Mike Schepker

    If you are copying an event, the floor plan will come over as it is on the previous event, so the exhibitor and order tied to booth A01 will come over, as will booth A01 as it is part of the original floor plan. After the copy, you can release the exhibitor from A01 and delete the booth if needed.

  • Levin Shum

    Hi Maggie,


    I am just re-asking about the copy activity question when copying events.  You mention that activities are typically a history of what has been done for a specific event, and not something that usually makes sense to be copied. We find this useful for some events and also this functionality was available in v19.  Have there been any advancements on this?



  • Maggie U.


    Unfortunately, copying activities when copying an event isn't on our Product Roadmap.  An alternative for you may be Checklists.  You can create a checklist with the activities that are common to your events and add that checklist to your new events. 



  • Levin Shum

    Thank-you, Maggie. I will have a look

  • Pat Falkner

    When will checklists be allowed to be saved on profiles?  I've been asking for that for no less than 10 years.  I've submitted the request 3-4 in the last 10 years. 

    Use case:

    You have various events that require different tasks completed prior to and immediately after the event. T +/- days from the event.  It is imperative that these things are completed in a timely manner. 

    Currently, you have to remember to attach the proper checklist after creating the event from a profile. There is real possibility of assigning the wrong checklist.

    If the checklist can be assigned at the profile level, you don't have to constantly remember to assign the checklist and/or assign the wrong one.

  • Kayla Jungkind

    Hello everybody,

    The bookings team here creates multiple events for each of the possible dates a show may book - they use the copy event function - a checkbox option when copying is "this is an alternate date for this event" which sounds perfect, exactly what we are doing, but I don't see that setting actually doing anything.  When one event status moves up to Confirmed, I would have though the other 'alternative date' events would automatically disappear. Am I hoping for too much? Or is this a config setting I can set up?  I'd like to get rid of the process of going back and deleting all those events that were really just booking holds.

    Also, I realize would be easier for them manage if they just put multiple bookings on the same event, but the team is set on using the event calendar for their internal planning etc.

    Thanks :)


  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Kayla,

    I'm afraid that you are hoping for too much in this case!  We do not change statuses or make events disappear automatically when using Alternate Event.  We will not take the risk of causing events to be cancelled/removed automatically in error.  It is a way for you to group them together so they are easier to manage, but will still require manual intervention to cancel or remove the unused alternates. 

    One thing you can do is set Organization Parameter BK 087 - Firm Booking Notification Status Level - to the Status value you consider Firm.  When the Status of any of the Alternate Events changes to the selected Status or above, an activity will be generated for each of the other events' Salesperson/Account Rep (even if it is the same) so those events can then be handled.  You must have the same Alternate Event chosen on each event you want this to affect, including the first one entered (you may need to manually select it in the Alternate Event field there).  Unfortunately this does still require the user to manually change the unused event(s).

    The note on the Parameter indicates it is used in conjunction with Organization Parameter BK 086 for Waitlist, but it also applies to Alternate Events.  If you are not using Waitlist (BK 086 is not enabled), you will need to set the parameter on the Organization Master Parameters window, not on the Booking Configuration window.  Cancelled Alternate Events will not generate the activity.

    I'm sorry we don't have better news for you.



  • Shelby Dodge

    We have a very large event that has different pricing than our standard price list. Each resource field has to be manually changed.  This event is on a multi-year contract.  When attempting to copy the event to the following years the copied order reflects the standard pricing, not what the original order was put in for. 

    For example, the resource standard rate for South Wing A is $750.  In this contract it should be $1000, and that is what was keyed in for this year's event.  When we copy the event over to next year it defaults to $750.   We've done just about every configuration of the order options in the copy event screen.  There are about 70 lines in this booking order.  How do we make sure that the manually entered prices are carried over to the next event?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Shelby,

    I did some testing and experimenting and am able to replicate what you are seeing. On non-booking service orders, the entered price works like you are expecting but it looks like on booking orders, the pricing reverts back to the original rate. I'm going to send this to our Product Manager to get his thoughts on it - I don't know if there's a reason on why the booking order holds the original rate rather than copying the entered rate.



  • Wendy Thompson

    Booking Rates are not copied, they are generated new when the Bookings are copied, so they will not reflect any manual changes made to the original.  Product Manager might be able to tell us why that is the design.

  • Ken Treadway

    Shelby this is intentional.  As Maggie and Wendy both said, the Booking Order is generated from the copy of booking line items - including Spaces, Rates, and the Event Price List - to back into the rate.  Since this is a multi-year deal, I would suggest copying your regular price list to one specifically for this customer, entering the higher rates that you charge, and using the Price Class option to assign the higher booking rate for this customer.  Using a different Price List would also ensure that the Copy Event would achieve this as well.  The next time you copy, you can change the Price List to the one assigned for this rate.  The link to the support center article on Price Classes is below.



  • Shelby Dodge

    The majority of our events are on multi year contracts.  It seems inefficient to create a new price list for every single one of them.  We have enough problems with people choosing the wrong pricing from the 4 that we have.  

  • Ken Treadway

    There would be significant architecture changes to the Add Event process to achieve the change. This could be reviewed for possible inclusion in a later release. Another idea to achieve what you are seeking is to not use the rates in the bookings tab for these types of events. Instead, manually add another service order and attach these rates. You would still be using the same resources therefore the revenue distribution and invoicing process would remain unchanged. However since this is now a service order and not a booking order the order would copy from year to year with the modified rates.

  • Kris Corrigan


    Is there a reason why when copying a contracted event (our highest status) and we copy over the orders the booking service order is doubling up, I have unticked the 'reprice orders' and used the same price list.

    I have then copied over the new event again which is down as a 3rd Option and the booking order event hasn't doubled.

    Any ideas?



  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Kris,

    I think we would need a little more information on this to respond.  What version are you using?  What do you mean by "doubling up?"  Are there two orders, or double rates on one order, or did the amount double?  Are there Actuals on the source event?  What are the settings for Order Item Phase on the Copy Event window?  Is it on just one event, or do you see it on many events?  

    Warm Regards,


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Wendy

    I've managed to work it out, the discount isn't pulled over to the new booking service order which I know understand.

    Something else I have now found is that all orders are not being copied over although I have the tick box within the field 'Include Orders'

    I am testing this in 20.95 D




  • Wendy Thompson

    Good to hear you got it worked out!

    On Copy Event, for the missing orders, please check the settings for Customers and Order Item Phase to make sure you are including the appropriate orders in the selection.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Wendy

    The customer setting is 'All Customers' and the order item phase is Actual to Forecast, I have changed this to Ordered to Forecast but still only 1 booking service order is being copied over.

    Any ideas?



  • Wendy Thompson

    There should only be one booking order since that is generated new on the new event.  Are all the rates not on that order? 

    Do you normally use Forecast Orders?  Does your view include them?


  • Kris Corrigan


    Is there an easy way to identify the previous event from which you have copied from?



  • Shelby Dodge

    Generally the event you copied it over from will populate in the "previous event" field.  The only other way would be maybe have a UDF set up where you could notate that.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Shelby, the previous event id has helped.


  • Kris Corrigan


    Is there a reason why the statistics aren't copied over to your new event?



  • Mark Fingerhut

    Kris - hard to say, likely it isn't a common workflow we hear from our customers. If there are base statistics configured on events, those will show on the newly created event via the copy process - provided the price list is the same. The data within the statistics orders is not copied over. If there is a strong business case where we'd need to consider this, an enhancement could be a possibility. 

  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Mark

    It was the data I was looking to have copied over.



  • Mark Fingerhut

    Kris - I might suggest posting in the product forum to see if other customers have this same need. It would also help to include specifics around the kind of data you are tracking in statistics in order to see the value in having that data copy over with the event. 

  • Courtney Shanahan

    Do you need to do something different to copy a cancelled/archived event?

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Courtney,

    The system does not allow for copying cancelled/archived events.  

    You could Restore the event and then copy it.  The Restore action is under the Tools menu.



  • Courtney Shanahan

    Thanks for confirming, Wendy.

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