
Move Events



  • Jo Dadd

    If I move a contracted event with a payment plan attached why do the steps of the payment plan not adjust in line with the new event dates if the payment plan steps are associated with the move in or move out date of the event?

  • Andrew Blanda

    Hi Jo, Did you ever get an answer to this? I am facing the same problem now :(

  • Theresa Gorman

    My sales team regularly and always have moved events in this way.  Now in V20 they are prevented in doing so with the message they do not have permission to backdate traces.  I specifically do not wish them to have that privilege (they have only ever had the privilege to edit date/time of received traces) and they were able to move events in V19 - how can this be overcome?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Theresa,

    Moving this event into the future, I don't see why this access privilege would be triggered.  Please enter a ticket with our Client Care Team with the necessary details so they can see what may be happening.


  • Theresa Gorman

    An update for anyone else having this issue

    This case has been fixed by our development team and the fix will be available in the next hotfix (20.80Lx74).

  • R.C. Chancy

    One of our users inadvertently moved an event that had already been closed.  Is there a way to prevent that?

  • Theresa Gorman

    R C Chancy - I would assign the privilege 'Add/Change/Delete Events By Event Status Limit' and assign the status value below that of the 'closed'.  This is an implicit privilege you will need to assign it and give values for all users that edit events.  Also consider if any roles do edit beyond this status, e.g. finance dept. to give them the maximum status value




  • Bonnie Ma

    I am not able to edit the booking date/time as it is contracted.  However, after I use "move event" to change the entire event, I am able to edit the date/time even though it is contracted.  Is it normal?  What is the rationale on it?


  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Bonnie,

    I need more details to fully answer your question, but I'll try to give you some information that might help.

    If you change a Booking to something within the contracted date/time range, you should not be prevented from making the change, but the Contract will require revision.  If you make changes to the Booking that move it outside the contracted date/time range, then you will be stopped.

    When using the Move Event option, everything on the event should be updated, including the Contract.  This should, however, set the Contract to Requires Revision since the booking and order dates have changed.  The same rules then apply for changing the Bookings (before or after you process the revision) - changing within the new contracted date/time range is okay, but changing outside the new contracted date/time range is not okay.

    If this is not what you are experiencing, please provide more details here so that I might comment further, or submit a case so we can review your specific circumstances.  Please include the version you are using.

    Thank you,


  • Bonnie Ma

    Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for your detailed clarification.  The versions that I am now using is v20.9L.

    For most of the situation that you mentioned above is what I am experienced.   But one thing I am not sure if it is normal.

    I have an event from Mar 14-18, 2018. 


    Mar 14 - move in

    Mar 15 - 17 - Event

    Mar 18 - move out

    It has already contracted and 1st payment has been made.

    Now it is changed to Apr 14 - 18, 2018.  So I use "Move Event" to change the event date (as it is not allowed to change the booking as it is tied with the contract).  I am able to move.

    Apr 14 - Move In

    Apr 15 - 17 - Event

    Apr 18 - Move Out

    However, as my colleague make a mistake on the event period and mark Apr 17 only, then click save.  When he tried to change back to Apr 15 - 17, the system stop him to do so.  Is it normal?  Please advise.




  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm a little unclear what exactly your colleague changed, but if what he did was change the Booking that is in the Contract to only Apr 17, then yes, it is the same situation.  He would not be able to expand the dates back to Apr 15 - 17 since that is now outside the contracted dates. 

    The best solution at this point might be to remove the Booking from the Contract (Mark for Delete on the Bookings tab of the Contract), make the changes to the Event/Booking, and re-add the Booking to the Contract (Add Existing Bookings on the Bookings tab of the Contract).  You might need to Revise the Contract before you can do this if it currently "Requires Revision".  Do not delete the Booking from the Event, just from the Contract. 

    If you have a test environment, I would recommend setting up the same scenario there and testing if possible.

    If I have misunderstood, please be more specific with the exact steps taken.

    Thank you,


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Andrew and Jo - dates on a payment plan can initially be set based on event dates. However, once the payment plan is created, those dates are no longer tied to the event dates. I don't believe it's a hard and fast rule across our client base that a payment plan should shift with event date adjustments, so we don't have that built-in logic, and leave it up to the individual situation to shift payment plan steps as needed. 

  • Janae Conway

    For tracking purposes, where can I see a "moved event's" original dates? Is there a report I can use?



  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Janae,

    You can set up Organization Parameter EM219 with a Note Class for Move Event and a note will be generated on the Event when you move it.  There is also an Audit Log option for Move Event so you can see it there.  You might need to activate this if it is not already done.

    If you have EM219 set, you can use the Find Note window to see events that have moved based on filter criteria.  Use the Main Menu Audit Log window to see Event Moved entries using filter criteria there.



  • NTT Managed Services

    Hello There

    If you move an Event it also move its related Event bookings in ungerboeck. We are using Dynamics CRM online and want to reflect the same in CRM via .Net Code. We can update the Event but not the event bookings. Is there a way to achieve these requirements? Can some one please guide me on this?



  • Maggie U.


    I'd recommend contacting your Account Manager to set up time with an Ungerboeck technical person to discuss what you are trying to accomplish and how we can best meet those needs. 


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