
Register on Behalf of Others (Admin) in Online Registration



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Although we activated the "registering on behalf of others", we recently keep getting the following error message when selecting "I'm registering someone else":
    "Administrators that can add new accounts have been deactivated for this event. Please select an existing Account to continue." The sales rep cannot continue to login or to register the participants.

    I was only able to bypass this by adding an additional registration configuration. 

    Is there another way to fix this in the existing registration configuration?
    Did anyone else run into this problem recently?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    It sounds like you do not have the box checked for Allow new account for registrant (Admin) on your registration setup. If this is not checked, the Admin will not be able to create new accounts in the registration process.

    To enable this, go to your event and go to Registration Setup and on the Registration Form Setup tab, check Allow new account for registrant (Admin) in the Registering on Behalf of Others (Admin) section. If you do not see this field on your layout, you may need to add it. See screen shot below. 

    Once that is checked, the admin user will be able to add new accounts to the system in registration. 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Mike,

    the box "allow new account for additional registrant" is already checked and has the same settings as in the additionally created registration configuration. Is there a difference between "allow new account for additional registrant" and "allow new account for registrant (Admin)"? For years we only used the former one without issues.
    I still get the error message 

    Sorry, the registration page is in German, but I hope you see the problem.

    Ann additional suggestions are welcome!




  • Mike Schepker

    Yes, they are different. It looks like you have the wrong field in the wrong section on your layout. Allow new account for Additional Registrant is if you are registering yourself and need to add additional registrants and need to create new accounts during that process. That should appear in the Adding Additional Registrants section, which you can see in my screen shot above.

    For an admin to be able to create new accounts when registering other people (and not themselves), the checkbox for Allow new account for registrant (Admin) needs to be checked. That is the checkbox that should be in your Registering on Behalf of Others (Admin) section. 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Mike, 

    thanks, this did the trick!

    I'm still wondering though, why our previous setting worked for the other events.



  • Mike Schepker

    This checkbox is new in .96. We wanted to give you more control over who has the ability to create new accounts in the system. In previous versions, the checkbox controlled both Admin registration and Adding additional registrants. We found that this wasn't sufficient for some of our customers, so we made it so that these would be two different options that can be enabled, based on the desired workflow. Some customers want admins to be able to create new accounts, but not "regular" registrants. 

    If you had the single checkbox checked in previous versions of the software, we check both of the checkboxes by default during the upgrade process on the existing events. However, if you are creating a new event, that checkbox would not be checked by default, because it is a new event. 

    I hope this makes sense and helps clear things up!



  • Rachel Parker

    Is there a way that we can set this so that registering for others is the ONLY option? We currently 'Default registering for others' but that still leaves the option for clients to register themselves if they wish. We have a lot of camps where we require a parent to complete the registration form if the the registrant is under 18. We often have parents or teenagers register themselves by simply selecting the option to do so.

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Rachel,

    In 30.98 you should be able to do that. We have changed this setting from a checkbox to a drop down with new options. See screen shot below. 

    Not allowed means that Registering for others is disabled. Allowed means that it is enabled, but defaulted to registering yourself. Default means that it will default to registering others, not yourself. Required means that you can only register others and not yourself. 

    Hope this helps!

  • Rachel Parker

    Thanks Mike, this is fantastic news!

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