Mike Schepker

Registration Associate
  • Total activity 319
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Recent activity by Mike Schepker Recent activity Votes
  • Assign Session Proposal Submissions to Functions

    To assign session proposal submissions to a function(s): Click the Events button from the Global Navigation Bar. The Events page opens. Select the event for the proposals. Right-click and select E...

  • Event Cutoffs

    You can configure event cutoffs to prevent roles and/or users from performing certain actions when an event is at a certain status or within a certain date range. Actions you can limit with cutoffs...

  • Email Signatures

    Email signatures can be configured on your user settings, so each time you send an email from Momentus Enterprise, your signature is attached.  On the Global Navigation bar, click your user name. ...

  • Register on Behalf of Others (Admin) in Online Registration

    You can allow accounts to register on behalf of others in public registration, such as a parent registering a child for a camp or an assistant registering their boss for a conference. This is also ...

  • Session Proposal Statuses

    Session Proposal Statuses help you manage your proposal workflow. All Session Proposal Statuses are classified into one of the following groups: In Progress, Submitted, Approved and Rejected. The s...

  • Register Additional People in Online Registration

    You can allow registrants to add additional registrants to their order. For example, if one person is registering himself/herself and their colleagues for a conference.  Click the Events link from...

  • Session Roles

    The software automatically includes the Author and Co-Author roles but you can also add additional roles such as Speaker or Moderator. You can use the Session Roles screen to manage additional sess...

  • Assign Multiple Exhibitors to One Booth

    You may need to assign multiple exhibitors to a single booth if you want one of the following scenarios: Two main exhibitors in the same booth. This means that both exhibitors are charged and both...

  • Session Proposal Topics

    You use Session Proposal Topics to categorize submitted proposals, assign proposal evaluators and create conference content tracks. When using topics in the online proposal submission process, subm...

  • Backing Up a Database in SQL Server Management Studio

    This article contains information for On-Premise accounts. If your account is hosted in the cloud, this article is not applicable. The follow steps apply to SQL Server Management Studio 2005...