
Enable Group Registration/Multiple Registrants



  • Carrie Spalding

    Tonya, unfortunately at this time that is how the system divides them out.  If you'd like to see this functionality changed, I encourage you to submit an enhancement request.

    Thank you!


  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Levin,

    We have a window called Order Registrants, if you do not have that window active, please IM me and I will activate it for you. This will be a standard window in v20.94. Be aware not all functionalities we have in Registrant are there, but we will keep adding functionalities in future releases.

  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,


    For the multiple registrants under the Registrants tab in v20, is there any way we can make each order to display as an individual line? Right now it is grouped into one line and show as "Multiple", which users need click on "Multiple" to see the entries.




  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Pat,

    We are allowing add multiple registrant or multiple guests separately, that is the reason you see the fields duplicated. In our standard layout, they should be shown within each section. Have fun with K!!!

  • Pat Falkner

    Yes.  It appears to have worked. Thank you.

    I did notice double entries in the field list for those.  When I looked at the dictionary I saw one set marked with "guest" so I imagine that's another section I would have to add back in.

    Very strange that when we went to "F" that the Multiple Registrant section didn't automatically appear and be configured to reflect what we were doing with the "Allow Multiple Registrants".

    We're testing K at the moment.  See what new adventures that brings.

    Thanks again.

  • Yes they are the ones. Did you try it?

  • Pat Falkner

    Thanks Lee.

    I am on v20.9F.  There is no Multiple Registrants section.  I was able to Edit Layout and show it but there were no fields associated with a newly added section.

    What are the fields called that belong with that section? Are they

    • Allow Registrants to add new accounts
    • Allow Searching for Accounts/Contacts
    • Allow Registrants to select from a list of related
  • Pat, you should have a section on the "Registration Form Setup" tab called "Multiple Registrants". If you expand this there are 3 options; disable all 3 options and you will no longer be able to add more than one registrant per order.

    Hope that helps.



  • Pat Falkner

    Has something changed in the v20.9 Registration Configuration screens?  There is no longer a check box for "Allow Multiple Registrants".  I want to turn it off so the "Add Another Registrant" button does not show.

    I did see a "Maximum Registrants Per Order Account" field but when I set that to 1, the button still shows.

    I checked the form template and cannot see anything in there where I can hide that button, either.

    I need it on the individual configuration.  We have 1 registration configuration with a special price and only one person can get it.  Once it is claimed, no one else can get it so we don't want the "Add Another Registrant" button to show. 

  • Carrie Spalding


    Volume ( or tier) pricing is somewhat advanced and it may be difficult to fully explain everything in a comment, however...

    The scenario you're talking about is fairly easy to configure. You'll want it to be set up something like this:

    This is a basic scheme where the first two units, per order, are charged $100. Everything after that is free. The price will display as an average for all registrants. So, 3 registrants on an order who order the item above will each have a price of $66.66. 


  • Kootstra, Baron

    Hi Carrie,

    I have got to the Tier Pricing Configuration, how do I set this up now so that they can register a minimum of 3 people at the price of 2; as in the the 3rd person free?

  • Carrie Spalding


    Edit the registration function, then edit the particular item that you want to set up the pricing for. This opens the Function Registration Item window, where there is a Pricing section. There is a “Use Tier” checkbox that expands the Tier Pricing Configuration area when checked.


  • Kootstra, Baron

    Where do I go to find tier pricing?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Kootstra!

    In v19 it's called Tier Pricing, but the behavior is essentially the same as volume pricing.



  • Kootstra, Baron

    Can I do volume pricing in V19.9? I would like to set up a group registration (min of 3) where they can register 2 and get the 3rd person free.

  • Kirsti Robben

    We have training that needs to be followed each year of which the secretary does the registration for all of the employees. Right now (in V19) you create a new account for each registrant. Is it possible to select registrants from the accounts that were previously entered?

  • Tonya Sestak

    Is there a way to show exactly what was charged rather than the price being averaged?  If the first registrant is $80 and the second - tenth registrants are $75 each, we want it to show $80 for one registrant and $75 for any additional registrants.  Right now, it's averaging to $77.50...

  • Carrie Spalding


    You will need to check the parameter on the Sign In configuration, “Allow New Account with Same Email.” This will allow the new account to be created, but you will have to manually manage the accounts in v20 to merge the duplicates together. 


  • Laura Webb

    Thanks Carrie. I thought we did allow multiple accounts with the same email address. Where can I check this? You're right. We do not want to allow registrants to search across the database.

  • Carrie Spalding


    Our first recommendation would be to allow multiple accounts with the same email address.

    Technically there is an option that would allow the person creating the order to search across the database for any account, whether or not there is a relationship, however, we don't typically recommend this because it isn't the most secure. Most customers would not want to expose this information to the general public.



  • Laura Webb

    Hi. We have "Allow Registrants to Add Accounts" checked and "Allow Multiple Registrants" checked in our registration setup. After a registrant enters his or her information, he or she then clicks the Add Additional Registrant button on the summary page, clicks Ok through the prompt, than attempts to enter the next registrant. If the email address entered already has an account, this message is displayed: "We have discovered an existing account with the same email address. Please return to the." and the registrant is not able to continue adding multiple registrants. How do we allow registrants to add orders for registrants that already have accounts in our system, but do not have a relationship assigned?

  • Carrie Spalding


    1. Edit the Reg Type you want to use, and select volume pricing.

    2. Select the Custom Price Scheme. (under Volume Pricing Scheme)

    3. On the Volume Pricing window, make sure the settings are as follows:

    4. The result should then be:

    "This item may qualify for special volume pricing.  The total quantity of this item ordered by all registrants on this order affects the price.  Your cart will automatically update based on the following rules:

    a. Order up to 2 and the price is $100.00 each for the first 2."

    b. Order more than 2 up to 3 and the price is $0.00 each up to 3, plus any other charges depending on your volume.



  • Bryan Ryals

    The minimum purchase would be 3 to take advantage of the discounted pricing. The 1st two registrants would pay the set price but 3+ would get the discounted rate. How would I set up the volume pricing? Thanks Carrie.

  • Carrie Spalding


    It sounds like you're talking about basic volume pricing. You can set up volume pricing for the group. It will not show a free rate for the third person, it will instead average the price for the 3 registrants. Do you have a minimum or maximum for the order? 



  • Bryan Ryals

    I'd like to take the Multiple Registrant concept a step further. In v20.8 how would the following be accomplished:

    -- Groups are a minimum of 3 attendees/group

    -- All attendees in the group must register at the same time; same transaction

    -- The 1st two  attendees must pay the prevailing rate

    -- 3+ get discount off of the prevailing rate

    -- This "Team/Group" rate can't be combined with any other discount (No Promo)

    -- No Refunds given for discounts not taken at the time of registration

    To me this sounds like I would have to create a 'Team - 3+' Reg Type where the price of that "package" would be manually calculated/set in the 'Pricing' tab (please correct me if I'm off base). How would the additional attendees be added to the same order?

    Let's assume that the prevailing rate is $100.00 and the 3+ discount is 25% off. would the pricing for the 'Team -3' simply be set at $275.00 on the pricing tab with each additional guest being $75.00?

    I welcome your input.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    I ran through an example in our internal sample database and the Add Another Registrant button was hidden when I unchecked the Allow Multiple Registrants checkbox. There are a few things you can check:

    1. After unchecking the Allow Multiple Registrants checkbox, make sure you click OK or the Save (disc) button on the Registration Setup screen to save the new setting before clicking on the registration link.
    2. If you have the registration link already open, make sure you either close and reopen your browser or refresh your browser so the configuration changes can be reloaded in the browser.

    If you have done the above and the button is still displaying, contact your Regional Client Care Team so they can further work with you on what the problem may be.


  • Lori Lee

    I'm confused by this, because even if you turn that off, it still allows you to 'Add Another Registrant' in V20.8. Should it?

  • Kirsti Robben

    Thank you Fabienne. I will save the link for later, because we are still using V19 at the moment.

  • Fabienne Mannherz

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