
Attach a Crystal Report to Registration Confirmations



  • Sean Tame

    In v19, we were able to attach a copy of the PP Invoice (when the Reg Order was added to a PP automatically).  Given the only supported parameters seem to be @ORGANIZATION and @ORDER, how do we send the PP Invoice via v20?

  • Pat Falkner

    If this is now limited to @ORGANIZATION and @ORDER, how do we send a confirmation to each registrant on an order like we could in the past? Or can we no longer do that?

    Our past process was to send a PDF of a confirmation/receipt to each registrant on the order thus requiring the registrant account as a parameter. If we only have the order, we are restricted to sending only to the order account. This won't work for us in that there is additional information on the confirmation such as the facility, items to bring with, etc., that each registrant needs to know. We can't rely on the person placing the order to disseminate that information.

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Pat,

    Every registrant on the order will get the confirmation email. The Crystal Report is only sent to the Order Account and not the additional registrants. 



  • Pat Falkner

    We need the attachment to go to each individual in that there is important information on that report such as hotel location, additional items to bring with you, etc.

  • Mike Schepker


    Out of curiosity, why couldn't you include that information in the body of the email since those details are not specific to a registrant? If you put that type of information in the body of the email then every registrant on the order will see it when they get their confirmation. 



  • Pat Falkner


    That didn't fly with the customer or our customer service group. The report is a combination receipt/confirmation and in most cases each customer requires the report in an non-editable PDF format for submission to their company for various reasons. The hardcopy submitted can not be allowed to be altered. 

    It's back to the drawing board.


  • David Pollock

    Hi all,

    Is there a way of attaching a report to a confirmation email that is essentially an event ticket WITH QR Code?

    We are currently using the standard confirmation template.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi David,

    I've done this many times in the past.  Does the QR code need to be unique?

    Using Item Sequences and some fancy Crystal Report writing you can do General Admission ticketing via Ungerboeck quite easily.

  • David Pollock

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your response!

    We are currently using unique QR codes displayed on the confirmation page and included in the body of confirmation email which I have configured through the name badge templates with a link to an RCI Check-In kiosk URL and am including the Order No. and Account Code in the URL.

    This means when the QR code is scanned, the registrant is "Checked In".

    What I am trying to do is include (as an attachment to the confirmation email) a PDF of the confirmation including the QR code.

    Reason: Many of our registrants use email and web browser settings to block the loading of images, so the QR code on their email does not display.

  • Sean Tame

    Have you been able to follow the instructions above?  This is the right article to get this done.

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