
Copy the Public-Facing Registration URL



  • Permanently deleted user

    I am using Mozilla Firefox and although the dialog box appears stating "Shortcut copied to clipboard", the link is not appearing when I paste. Any suggestions?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Maryann, I believe that functionality is only supported in Internet Explorer (the official browser of Ungerboeck Software).  That's likely the issue.



  • Permanently deleted user

    thanks Carrie. I was under the impression that v20 was supported by Mozilla too!

  • Laura Webb

    Hi, I am having the same issue. I am copying the URL. An Ungerboeck message says 'Shortcut copied to clipboard', but nothing will paste. We are using Internet Explorer for 20.9 Hx25. What can we do to fix this?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Laura,

    Have you by chance denied the clipboard access to copy?  This happens when you receive the pop up asking for permission to copy to the clipboard, and click No instead of Yes.  If that's what's happened you can close out of the application and come back in, repeat your process but this time click Yes, and it should work.

    If not, let me know and we'll go deeper.



  • Laura Webb

    Carrie, I just checked it again and don't see any pop ups or prompts for permission. The browser doesn't seem affected at all. What else can I try?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Okay, checking in with the Powers That Be, they suggest that you try clearing your cache and browser history and see if that brings back the prompt.


  • Laura Webb

    Thank you for checking. I did that. And there is no change. It still tells me it's copied, but nothing pastes.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Okay, last things to try before I send you to Support!  

    1. Follow the steps in this article: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002350688-Resetting-Server-Cache-and-Delete-Isolated-Storage
    2. Check if you can copy/paste anywhere else in Ungerboeck - a note perhaps? 
    3. If you wouldn't mind trying to copy and paste a note out of Ungerboeck and into Word or another program, we can make sure it's not a computer thing and is definitely a software issue.


    Sorry for the frustrations.  We'll get it figured out!


  • Laura Webb

    Carrie - The server has been rebooted but the issue still remains. And we've confirmed that copy and pasting works in other areas of the system works. What should we do next?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Okay, then I'm sorry to say I would suggest submitting a Support ticket.  They may have more ideas than I do at this point.

    Thanks for hanging in there with my suggestions.  I'm sure we can get this worked out quickly!


  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Is there a possibility to limit the possibility to copy a link or to make a link just usable once? We would like to send the link to several specific customers and do not want them to share the link with additional colleagues or competitors.

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    It is not possible to make the link usable just once. If you are wanting to limit who can log into the registration URL, you could validate your logon configuration against a project/campaign and only users that match that campaign would be able to login. 



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