
Dunning Statements (Payment Reminders)



  • Kris Corrigan


    Is it possible to automatically send statements based on amounts or days overdue?



  • Kris Corrigan


    Is it possible to automatically send statements based on amounts or days overdue?



  • Jemma Slater

    Hi there, could anybody please confirm that customers with accounts in credit should receive dunning statements also?

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    By "accounts in credit", does that mean invoices with a credit balance? I do not know of users sending out notices to customers with a credit balance, but I do not think there is anything stopping you from doing so.

  • Jemma Slater

    Yes, I mean customers who have invoices with a credit balance. We would prefer for those customers to not receive Dunning Statements but I was just wondering if it were standard behaviour of the report to include those customers.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Jemma,

    There are very easy filtering criteria in the Dunning Statements window.  You can select to only send statements to debts that sit in selected aging buckets and you can also to select only debts over $x.xx so in here you might only chase outstanding invoices over $50 for example.  This will naturally eliminate credits.

    I always recommend creating a view of the Invoices grid for open invoices where the AR balance is less than or equal to zero before running dunning statements.  This will quickly highlight debtors who are up to date but not had all their DR/CR applied against each other.  (You don't what to chase an open invoice when there is an unapplied payment on the debtors account)

  • Jemma Slater

    Hi Sean

    That's great, thank you for those suggestions. I'm not personally running the statements that is done by our accounts area so I will pass on your feedback to see if these are already processes they have in place or could be implemented.


  • Kris Corrigan


    Also which email address in Ungerboeck is used for the statement to be sent?



  • Kris Corrigan


    Also which email address in the account (if more than one) is used for the statement to be sent?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    You are required to select statements you wish to send.

    Email order is set in Organization Parameter EM 140

    Many select the email address stored in the AR Demographics

  • Kris Corrigan

    Excellent thanks

    Am I right in thinking if I wanted only '3 Bill-To Account Demographics....' I would put 3rd within the alphanumeric field.

    If so I have done this and when I am testing an email is also going to the email within the account which is not what I would like.




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    Sorry for missing this follow up question!

    To use this organization parameter, you need to enter 1ST in the Alphanumeric Value and then enter the order you want the system to go through the available email address into the Amount field. You do have to use all 4 of the email address values. For example:

    Alphanumeric Value - 1ST

    Amount - 3214

    This means the system will send the mail to the first email address it finds using the order - Bill-To Account Demographics, then Bill-To Contact Demographics, then Bill-To Contact and lastly Bill-To Account. Once it finds an email address, then that is the email address used to send the invoice.

    Hope that makes sense and is helpful!


  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    You are able to filter the dunning statement list based on amounts or days overdue and mass send statements based on that filtered list

  • Sonja Rickenbacher


    I have tried to set up the organization parameters as per the instructions above. However, when I test it the dunning statement is still sent to the Bill-To Contact E-mail Address (1) even though I have set No 3. which is the AR demographics email address as my first email address. Any idea why this could be? This is how I set it up:



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sonja,

    After changing the parameter, make sure you log out and close all instances of v19 before logging back in. Also make sure that there are email addresses in the bill-to accounts receivable demographics field for the account you are testing with. Those are just a few quick things to troubleshoot - hope that helps!


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