
Add a Resource Type



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kirsti,

    To add a resource type in v19, on the Add Resource screen, enter the new type code in the Type drop-down and either Tab or click off of the drop-down.  As long as that type code isn't being used, then you can enter the new type description and additional information. 

    If the type code is being used, then it will select the existing information from that type code and populate it into the fields.



  • R.C. Chancy

    Is there any way to change a type on a resource?

  • Penny Jackowski

    What if the item is "electricity" or "wireless internet" wouldn’t that be a "consumable" and not "equipment"? An "extension cord" would be considered as "equipment" but what about the "electricity" that runs thru it?
    How do you enter a "resource" that is not a food or beverage item to be a "consumable"?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Penny,

    The classes for resource types provide certain functionality so that is why it's important resources are placed in the right class. Class 2 (equipment) and class 3 (consumables) allow for inventory tracking so anything that you would have that would need to have inventory tracked, you would want to make sure has a type that starts with a 2 or a 3. In the case above, I assume there isn't inventory on electricity or wireless internet so you could use any other class, such as class 4 which we use to designate telecommunications.

    If you do want items such as electricity and wireless internet to be a class 2 or class 3 because of inventory reasons, as long as you are consistent with what class you put them in, you can use either class 2 or class 3. You can create an order form that is specific to these types of items "Electrical Items" for example, and when they are added to the price list, they will be under that order form and will not be mixed in with any food/beverage or physical equipment items.


  • Kirsti Robben

    How do you add a resource type in V19? In the resource Master I can add items, but not the types.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Permanently deleted user

    Very helpful about v19. To note: inactive types will still populate if you re-use a number despite not showing in the drop-down menu.

  • Sean Tame

    Is there a way to allow users to add Resources under selected Types only and not be able to add Resource Types at all?

    Business Case:  I have already set up the Resource Types for Appetizers, Main Courses etc with the correct settings, GL distribution, Taxes etc.  I wish to have the F&B department update their menus and costings but I do not want them to have free range on the entire Resource Master.  Is this possible?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    It's not possible to prevent users from adding Types.  If they have access to add resources, then they have access to add Types as well.


  • I'd like to see something like this implemented Sean. For now I can only think of creating exception reports to alert us when users stray from there "areas".

  • Sean Tame

    Should be a fairly easy to implement.

    Add an access privilege for Allow Add/Edit Resource Types.  A second level would indicate the Resource Class they are allowed to maintain.

    Change the existing Add/Edit Resource Master Entries to include a second level of detail for Resource Types.  Default would be All as is currently the case but you could then select only certain Res Types.

    Maggie, do you mind passing this to Product Management for Review? Thanks.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    Please submit a case with Client Care and they can ensure it gets routed to the Product Management Team.


  • R.C. Chancy

    Can you only add a new Resource Type by adding a new Resource?

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi R.C.,

    It is possible to add a new Resource Type without adding a new Resource.

    Adding a new Resource Type and adding a new Resource do both utilize the 'Add Resource' window (Main Menu >> Resources). The difference is how the information is filled out on the window.

    On the 'Add Resource' window:
    -If you are adding a new Resource, in the 'Type' dropdown, you would select the Resource Type that your Resource needs to be associated with.
    -If you are creating a new Resource Type, then in the 'Type' field, you would enter the unique numeric sequence for the new Resource Type you are creating.

    Side Note: If you need to update existing resources to be associated with this new Resource Type, right click on the Resource and click Tools then Replace Resources. Here, you can update that existing Resources with the newly created Resource Type.

    Have a great evening!

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi R.C.

    Please see the following article that speaks to replacing resource codes. Through this process, not only can you change the resource code, but can also change the resource type that the resource belongs to.



    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can you not copy existing Resource Types in V30? The Copy Resource window includes the Resource Code field which is mandatory therefore it creates a Resource instead.

  • Matt Tapley

    Hi Gavin,

    I checked with our Dev team and it looks like this is a bug. Please enter a ticket and we will get this one fixed for you. Thanks!

    Matt Tapley

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