
Event Management Configuration Screen - Defaults Tab



  • Nancy Fullerton

    Hi there,


    We were able to add/edit/delete Event UDFs in the Event Sales Opportunity Master in v20.70, but I cannot find that in v20.80. Can you tell me where that Event Management Custom Field set now?  I've been having to go to v19.80 to manage

    Many thanks,


  • Carrie Spalding

    Nancy, search for Opportunity Types and tell me if that's what you're looking for.



  • Nancy Fullerton

    Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thanks for the quick response.

  • Permanently deleted user


    I'm trying to set the "Function User Defined Fields" and the "Order User Defined Fields", but after making a selection from the drop down list of each and hitting Save, the field reverts to a blank selection - even though the green "Changes saved" flag appears at the top of the window.

    I tried following along with the description/text in the "?" pop-up help window next to each field, but am yes to succeed in setting these defaults.

    Any guesses on what additional steps I might be missing?!



    V20.8P, V20.9D

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I'm not able to recreate this using v20.9E.  Please apply the latest Service Release and if the problem is not resolved, then submit a ticket with our Client Care Team as the system shouldn't be preventing you from saving these default values.

    If you need this configured ASAP, you can go to the Organization Parameters screen and configure the default values from there as a workaround.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks, Maggie.

    I'm assuming you mean adding the fields directly into System Parameters, in which case I've tried that to no avail.  I'll wait until I can get a 20.9E test environment up and go from there.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    You'll want to update them in the Organization Parameters screen which you can access from the Organization Master (v19) from the Main Menu.  Look for organization parameter EM FI10 (Function Default Issue) and enter the two digit code for the user field sets you want to use in the Alphanumeric field.  Save that and then look for EM 300 (Default Service Order Issue Type) and enter the two digit code for the user field sets you want to use in that Alphanumeric field and save.

    Or you can check out v20.9E:)  The above can just help you out if you need to get to get those values entered ASAP.






  • Permanently deleted user

    I see.. THAT parameter window... !!

    Adding the parameters to Org Master: Org Parameters now makes the default issue types appear in the Event Management Config window.

    Thanks for playing along!


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