
Registration Functions



  • Bryan Ryals

    Is it possible to offer a function to a registrant without having a Reg Type connected:

    ex. The registrant wants to attend the Gala (function) but not the overall conference (Registration Type).

  • Carrie Spalding


    Could you provide us with a screenshot of your configuration?  That would help us to best answer this.

    Thank you!


  • Sean Tame

    There have been changes made recently (not sure exact version and I haven't put them through their paces) that allow you to 'hide' the Registrant Type if they do not apply to you.  In Australia we have been using v19 registration extensively without the need/use of Reg Types as they simply don't apply in our circumstances so moving to v20 Reg was a big issue.  Now that Reg Types can be skipped in the config and now 'hidden' on the web we should be a lot better off.

  • Bryan Ryals

    Carrie Spalding, perhaps I should restate the question in order to paint a clearer pictures:

    We have had success configuring registration types that allow registrants to purchase admission to various events (ex. Full Day Conference) and we have also been able to sell "Add-on's" at the Function level (ex. dinner tickets, invitation only luncheons, etc). We would like to be able to allow individuals that DO NOT wish to register for something at the Reg Type level to register for something at the Reg Function level.

    ex. So, though the registrant is not attending the Full Day Conference s/he can still elect to attend the CIO Luncheon.

    How can we allow registrants to bypass the Registrant level and land at the Function level?

    I hope that this explanation is clearer.

    We are on 20.82 C X5

  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Bryals,

    A registrant type is always required. However, as Sean T. pointed out in his comment, the registrant types section of the form template may be hidden when only a single registrant type is used for the web configuration.

    In considering the use-case you describe, there are 2 configuration options that come to mind, depending upon the desired user experience for your registrants.

    The first option is the simplest - a single web configuration utilizing your standard registrant types as well as a creatively named registrant type to be used by the "function-only" registrants. For instance, the registrant type might read, "I cannot attend the event, but would like to attend the Gala Dinner."

    The second option is to use multiple web configurations. Your first web configuration would include your standard registrant types. The second web configuration would include only the single function-only registrant type, and you would activate the option to "Hide section when the configuration has a single registrant type" contained in the Registrant Type Section Settings of the form template. Multiple web configurations result in multiple URLs, so you would be able to send the function-only attendees directly to a separate streamlined registration form.

    If you are concerned about reporting attendance numbers, you can address this by using the Advanced Search fields on the view to exclude the function-only registrants.



  • Carla Saul

    I have the registration module but I am not able to see it under tools.  


  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Carla,

    Can you provide me with a little more information?  Are you saying that when on an Event you select the Tools menu, then Registration Setup, and on the Pricing tab you don't see where to add Registration Functions?



  • Rebecca Green

    Is it possible to set defaults for the registration function item description format, item date format or item time format in v20 Registration?  We are on 20.82H and I am not finding these options.  The item date format and the item time format fields are particularly cumbersome to access because they are not fields that can be displayed in the registration functions section in the Registration Setup window (ER8410) but requires expanding the Registration Functions window (ER2819).  It would be great to be able to set the function item format at the registration form level or at least at the event level so that each function would not need to be modified manually.  In v19 it is possible to set the description, date and time format globally for the event.  Thanks, Rebecca

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Rebecca,

    Unfortunately this isn't possible right now, but please consider submitting an enhancement request to get it on the list!



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Carrie,

    It is quite frustrating that standard v19 functionality when left out of v20 is considered enhancements.

  • Sean Tame

    When an order is linked to a single function, can we have that function populated in the Function column of the Reg Order?  This is how v19 worked and seems to be missing from v20 - although I see EAP orders do have this feature?


  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Hi Sean,

    There is an extra layer of data gathering in v20 that did not exist in v19. Specifically, selection of a registrant type is a requirement for v20 registration, even though that selection is not always made visible to the user. That initial selection of a registrant type is the first item tracked within v20 registration orders, and it is always tracked against the Registration Options function. So, the only time that a v20 registration order would be tracked against a single function is when the registrant type selection is the only item contained in the order. Even if there was only a single function available for registration, the order would be tied to multiple functions - the Registration Options function for the registrant type selection, then the specific function the registrant has opted to attend.

    The Function column does not display on Registration Orders grids because it would only ever populate 1 of 2 values - either Registration Options or Multiple. It would not, as you are used to seeing in v19, display a specific session name.

    If there is a use-case that would benefit from displaying this column with its limited values, please consider adding it as an enhancement request for the community to consider.



  • Sean Tame
    Hi Sam,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this in such detail.  (Perhaps the Function column should be removed if it is designed to always be blank?)

    There is a functionality gap for many customers that have long used the v19 Registration module.  These customers purchased and have been using this module mainly for 'Hospitality Registrations'.  Ever since the introduction of v20, we have been trying to get the new Registrations module to do at least a comparable or in some way satisfactory job with limited success.

    A typical scenario is this:
    We have a 'large' (typically 1 day) event such as a major sporting event or a concert.  Within this event are various hospitality offerings with limited capacities.  Within these offerings are various options with differentiating prices.  Typically it is an Organisation purchasing on or more quantities.
    An example is:
    At a sporting event, various restaurants and marquees are operating.  At each restaurant there is a limited number of pax available.  Restaurants may offer a 2 course and 3 course offering or perhaps with / without a beverage package or perhaps a members / guests price - all with different pricing.  There may also be restrictions on minimum / maximum numbers per order.

    In the past (v19) we add a Function line for each of these restaurants (or marquees, or VIP functions or mini events within the sporting/concert etc).  We add the products that are available to be sold (resources/packages), we set the price and capacities, then we create multiple Web Configurations to enable the online sale, including adding UDFs, notes etc.  Typically each Function is sold separately.  Eg, if we have 8 restaurants open on the day, there will be 8 different web configurations.
    With 'Hospitality' registration, customers (Organisations)are purchasing a 'Product', not a 'Person'.  The 'extra layer for Registrant Type' in V20 does not fit with this process.  Eg, you are not paying to attend the event as a Registrant, you are purchasing a selected product(s) from a limited capacity within a single function on an Event.
    Essentially we need Function Registration, not Event Registration.  v19 allowed us to do this.
    This has been discussed at conferences in the past and was termed 'Hospitality Registration' but I have not seen it gain any traction.
  • Sean Tame

    The Resource - Function field only accepts a single value.  How do I offer a range of options?  Eg in your example where you are selling a catered dinner in the bird sanctuary for 200 guests, how do I offer a 2 course Vs 3 course option (with varying prices) or a Adult meal Vs a Childs meal etc.

  • Danilo Bernal

    There are multiple options to handle that in v20. I'll give you four:

    • With multiples items per function. That has been available since v20.82 or before. It is similar to what you did in v19 where you select the function and the items for the function. You can show or hide the function item using Function Grouping. We have enhanced multiple items per function to use items as dependant on the function selected, this is configurable.

    • Using multiple functions and Function Groups
    • Using a combination of 1 and 2
    • Using multiple web configurations

    I highly recommend reaching out to our Services team, they can work with you together and explore these and maybe other options to accommodate your needs. We can also put you in contact with other customers that have upgraded and took advantage of v20 for hospitality ticketing and catering offerings using registration.






  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Danilo,

    I was hunting for option #1 but could not find it due to parameter ER860 not being on.  Trap for young players!

  • Theresa Gorman


    Our set up is such that we can have the same registrant signing up for the same session more than once.  My function does NOT have 'Check registration conflicts' checked, however, they are not able to register online a second time.  Is there something else I need to do?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Theresa,

    It sounds like you aren't allowing accounts/contacts to create multiple orders. You can enable this in the Sign In Group of your form template. 

    Allow contacts to create multiple orders will allow individuals to create multiple orders. 

    Allow an account to create multiple orders means that the same company can have multiple orders (if you are creating Accounts and Contacts and have Company on your form so that your orders come in with the Company as the Order Account, you will probably want to check this as well). 

    Hope this helps!



  • Theresa Gorman

    I had accounts checked but not contacts.  I will let the registrant know and hopefully all will be good.  Thanks

  • Theresa Gorman

    Yes, that worked, many thanks Mike-Schepker for prompt response. :)

  • Mike Schepker

    Glad to hear it!

  • Frank, Christine

    Hey, i was searching for an option in wicht I can make functions depending from itself, e.g. option 4 (function) is only been bookable if one of the three previous options is chekced (also functions).

    Is it something feasible?




  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Christine,

    It is not currently possible to make functions dependent on other functions. The only function dependencies we currently support are function items that are dependent on the parent function (if a function is selected, a function item from that function must also be selected). 

    Hope this helps!



  • Jennifer Parks

    Is it possible to set variable pricing for a function based on registrant type? I am using multiple registration configurations (one for each registrant type).

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Jennifer,

    You can add Registrant Type dependent pricing on the function using the Registrant Type Pricing tab/section. 

    When you click Add you will be able to choose the registrant type and then set the pricing for that registrant type. 
    I hope this helps!



  • Jennifer Parks

    Mike-Schepker could you please walk me through how to access the first screen? When I try to edit the function I created, I don't see the Registrant Type Pricing tab, and the window says 'Edit Event Function' rather than 'Edit Registration Function' as in the above example. If there are two different kinds of functions, how do I add registration functions?

  • Mike Schepker

    Jennifer Parks,

    You can edit the registration functions from the Pricing tab of Registration Setup. To get to Registration Setup, go to your event and go to Tools -> Registration Setup. You will then see a window similar to the one below where you can add/edit your registration functions. 



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