
Activity Notifications



  • Shelby Dodge

    Is there any way to attach a document to the activity notification?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Shelby,

    At this time there is not a way to attach a document to an activity notification.  If there is enough support for this on the Support Center we may look at making an enhancement for a future release.



  • Tash Dawson

    Are we able to create email notifications to external contacts (ie non-UB users) at key points in our business process? Ideally we would like to trigger an email reminder to people who have upcoming bookings with us. Thanks

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi JK,

    Moving to v30 will give you the capability to configure the layout on activity notifications.



  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    Are there any restrictions to the activities which can trigger email notifications? Right now, only Activities at the Event-level are sending emails and I'm interested in Note-level activities sending an email (so automatic notes which create activities will send emails)

  • Kris Corrigan

    Do you need EBMS open for the activity to notify you of the summary, am asking as a V19 user

  • Ken Treadway


    In the User Settings, you can define the method(s) for notification.  Choosing to be notified via EBMS means that you would only receive the notification when actively logged into EBMS.  Choosing to be notified via E-mail means you would receive a notification in your inbox.  Having both checked means the "fastest available" method will be used (if you are logged into EBMS it will notify you there, if not, it will email you).

    **This response is appropriate to v19 only**

  • Carrie Spalding


    Unfortunately at this time we don't offer that, however, you could certain work with our Technical Services team to come up with a solution. 

    Otherwise, the best practice would be to use an activity checklist so the internal user gets the notification. When they get the notification, they can use an email template to send the email to the customer for reminder.

    Hope that helps,


  • Kris Corrigan


    Can we create a notification based on a date created via a custom user field on an event.

    If not would it good if we can add these custom fields to event checklists, I have already submitted an enhancement request as the decision date cant be chosen for the event checklist but is a USI date field within the event layout.



  • Daniel Dickenson



    If I create a Reminder Activity (whether I set myself or someone else as the recipient), is there a setting so I can receive a notification, preferably via email, once the Activity Status is set to complete? 

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Daniel,

    Unfortunately, we don't have notifications for activity status updates at this time.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you,


  • Kris Corrigan


    Is it possible to create a activity/notification each time an opportunity is added?



  • John Padgett

    Hi Kris,


    You can use the "Save and Add New" workflow button. Workflows can be adjusted from the Edit Layout window, there's a "Manage Workflows" option there. When using this, an Add Activity window will open when after you save a new Opportunity.

    Hopefully that is what you're looking for.

  • JK Power

    Is it possible to configure the Activity Notification flag text on the Global Navigation Bar?

    Currently we are just seeing the activity action and completing options. I would like to see the event name, even at the expense of loosing other info.

    thanks - JK

  • Kris Corrigan


    Where can I set the notification based on the status, is this possible to configure?



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Kris,

    Are you referring to the status field on activity notifications layout? If so, this is a non-editable field you can bring in to view the status but do not have the ability to actually change it. 

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